Anime update call won't update all passed fields.

Issue #67 invalid
Andy Ibanez created an issue

Welp sorry guys, but apparently you will see me a lot while I write my Atarashii wrapper...

The update call works fine, unless you want to update some fields (looks like only API 2.0 fields are affected. Is the deployed API at api.atarashiiapp on the latest version?)

To be more specific, I'm testing by specifically trying to update the start date of an anime. According to the docs:

The values that can be sent in the post body (only the relevant ones in my case):

status: An integer or specific string indicating the current status of the title for the user. Allowed values are 1/"watching", 2/"completed", 3/"on-hold"/"onhold", 4/"dropped", 6/"plan to watch"/"plantowatch".

episodes: The number of the last episode watched by the user.

score: An integer, from 1 to 10 indicating the user's score of the title.

start API 2.0+: The date the user started watching the anime title in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).

I'm passing the start date as 2015-07-10. I have also tried removing the dashes and have had no luck. When I go to edit the anime's details on the website, The date is still marked as "unknown date".

I'm attaching an screenshot of the raw request in Postman.

Comments (7)

  1. Andy Ibanez reporter

    To be clear, in the screenshot above all other 3 parameters get updated successfully. start is the only one that won't change for some reason.

  2. Andy Ibanez reporter

    Dope, I'm an idiot. I have to specify that the API is indeed version 2.0 in the URL before I can do anything API 2 specific.

    After I changed the URL to, it worked fine.

    While I'm at it, you guys don't mind that I use your deployment of the API for testing, right? Shoulda probably asked sooner but I don't want to use your resources so unfairly.

  3. Michael Johnson

    It's probably better to run your own copy so you can see internals like seeing what's passed back to MAL directly. There's a vagrant config that will let you run CentOS6 and CentOS7 configurations that have been verified to function. It also lets you verify what exactly you are using for your testing, as the main site is only guaranteed to run what's needed for the Android application. Right now, it's running on the develop branch, but that isn't always guaranteed to be the case.

    Also, I don't mind some basic tests against our main endpoint, but please contact me before doing anything high-volume (> 500 calls per day) or using in a production situation. The API sits on my own private server and all costs are covered directly by me.

  4. Andy Ibanez reporter

    Don't worry, I won't use your server for anything beyond testing. I will deploy it on my own server when it's ready to go for production.

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