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MMX-I / Home

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MMX-I : A data-processing software for Multi-Modal X-ray imaging and tomography

The MMX-I open-source software is developed for processing and reconstruction multimodal X-ray imaging and tomography large datasets. The recent version of MMX-I is optimized for scanning X-ray fluorescence, phase-, absorption- and dark field- contrasts techniques. This together with its implementation in Java, makes of MMX-I a versatile and friendly user tool for X-ray imaging.

Download executable MMX-I.jar or MMXI.exe.

Java API documentation can be find here

Documentation and tutorials can be find here.

MMX-I works with Java 8+ 64bit, the latest version of java can be download here.

MMX-I article can be find here.

#Contribute to MMX-I

MMX-I is an open source project it can be fork, or improve it with a pull request depending of your own usage. If you find any bug or want a new feature to be added feel free to either open an issue or implement your own code in MMX-I.

MMX-I is currently under Beta testing. If you ever encounter a bug or want a new feature to be added, please feel free to open an issues in the dedicated section. Issues can be directly accessed thourght MMX-I interface under the help menu, repport an issue. RepportIssues.png

In addition the API will soon be available through Maven central for easier integration.
