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Welcome to INF225!

This is the Wiki for the INF225 course at the University of Bergen (Fall 2013).

Exam Schedule



  • Overview of everything so far
  • Lesson 1 (19.08.): Introduction
  • Lesson 2 (22.08.): Syntax and Grammars
  • Lesson 3 (26.08.): Language Processing (w/Ralf Lämmel)
  • Lesson 4 (02.09.): Parsing, ambiguities, priorities
  • Lesson 5 (05.09.): DSL example: Stratify
  • Lesson 6 (09.09.): Scannerless vs. scannerful parsing; layout [code]
  • Lesson 7 (12.09.): Simple semantics with evaluator [code]
  • Lesson 8 (16.09.): Defining and evaluating functions [code]
  • Lesson 9 (19.09.): Scopes [code]
  • Lesson 10 (23.09.): Nested scopes [code]
  • Lesson 11 (26.09.): Environments and Stores[code]
  • Lesson 12 (30.09.): Typechecking [code]
  • Lesson 13 (03.10.): More typechecking [code]
  • Lesson 14 (07.10.): Tree traversal, rewriting and visiting [code]
  • Lesson 15 (14.10.): About the Term Project
  • Lesson 16 (24.10.): Discussions on who's doing what for the term project. (+ something else?)
  • Lesson 17 (04.11.): Code formatting in PGF, Tree-walking with Nuthatch
  • Lesson 18 (07.11.): Formal semantics, big step and small step. Example in Prolog; Full (big-step/small-step/denotational) spec of a small functional language in Prolog
  • Lesson 19 (14.11.): Recap Term project presentations: @ahjortland and @poglesbyg
  • Lesson 20 (21.11.): Recap… Term project presentations: Niklas Trippler
  • Hackathon 21.11.:
  • Lesson 21 (25.11.): Recap… Term project presentations:
  • Hackathon 25.11.: Term project presentations: Kristoffer Haugsbakk
  • Lesson 22 (28.11.): Recap… Term project presentations: [your name here]

Term Project


Practical Help

