The Scheduler is creating all tickets as "blocker"

Issue #204 resolved
Alejandro Iglesias created an issue

Hi! i´ve a problem with the scheduler addon on my jira cloud instance. i´ve configured some recurring tasks with the addon and now TS is creating all the issues with the priority set to "blocker" ( obviosly this is not the priority that i´m configuring ) but when a run mannualy the reccuring task ( via actions -> execute ) the priority of the new created issue it´s what i´ve configured ! so , the problem it´s only when TS create the issue via the cron schedule .

any advice? thanks!

Official response

Comments (14)

  1. Dominik M.

    Dear Alejandro,

    I've tested the issue in my cloud environment with The Scheduler v1.3.4 and it seems that all the issues created automatically via the trigger are somehow assigned with the highest priority possible - in your case it's called "blocker". This seems to be a bug and therefore I've informed Developers Team about it. When the problem will be fixed, me or my colleague is to notify you about it.

    Sorry for the inconvenience

    Best regards, Dominik Maciejewski Support Team Transition Technologies PSC Sp. z o.o.

  2. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Alejandro,

    Could you please confirm that it is still happening? Because we can not reproduce it (as in attached screenshot), and maybe it was some temporary glitch.


    Did you modify by any means the permissions for the add-on user The Scheduler, or maybe you don't have the 'priority' field on create/edit screen?

    To help us solve this issue please attach screenshots from the create/edit scheduled issue page (in similar matter), please check if the priority is set correctly while creating regular JIRA issue (not created by The Scheduler).

    Also please make a screenshot of section "Activity" - tab "All" under the issue with wrong priority set - maybe there were some modifications after issue creation.

    You can attache screenshots here or send it at

    Best regards,


  3. Alejandro Iglesias reporter

    Hi ! the problem is still hapening , but it only happens on scheduled task that i´ve already created. on new schedules , it works ok. But ( and stranger :P ) , if I clone a schedule, somehow copies the bug and the clone still create the task as blocker :P

    bug1.PNG bug2.PNG bug3.PNG bug4.PNG bug5.PNG bug6.PNG

    thanks for the help


  4. Łukasz Modzelewski

    Are you sure you have the priority Medium? maybe that is the problem because if it doesn’t exist the first one from the list would be set.

    I will put this issue "on hold", and we will test it again when Dominik comes back from the Annual Leave

    At this time I could only suggest you to create those tasks again.

    Best regards,


  5. Dominik M.

    Dear Alejandro,

    I've tested the reported issue again and it seems that now the issues created automatically are not being given the highest status possible as before. The same goes for manually created issues via the "Execute" option:

    creating a ticket with medium priority.png

    manual test via execute command.png

    automatically created issue.png

    The issue was tested by developers as well and there seems to be no further problems.

    Many thanks, Dominik

  6. Peter Sedlarik Account Deactivated

    Hi, we have the same (or similar) problem as Alejandro. But I may have more information. The first automatic execution is ok, but second (and next) set the highest possible priority.

    We have last cloud version of The Scheduler.


  7. Dominik M.

    Dear Peter,

    I’m writing in regards to your statement:

    Hi, we have the same (or similar) problem as Alejandro. But I may have more information. The first automatic execution is ok, but second (and next) set the highest possible priority. We have last cloud version of The Scheduler.

    I’d like to know:

    1. When have you observed such behavior?
    2. Does it prevail for all newly created issues?

    Best regards,

    Dominik Maciejewski

    Support Team

  8. Peter Sedlarik Account Deactivated

    Dear Dominik,

    I tested this behavior on Monday this week. The highest possible priority is set for all automatic executions except the first. Manual executions are fine.

    If you need more information, let me know.



  9. Alejandro Iglesias reporter

    Yes! i can confirm that my case it´s the same as Peter. I´ve created a test schedule ( about 5 min ago :P ) and the first run ( JIRA-182 ) was created with the priority ok ( Medium ) but on 2nd run ( JIRA-183 ) was , again, Blocker. So the bug still exists .

    edit : the task was created at 9:20 to run hourly @ 21min , and after that i edited to run @25min , so the 2 runs was via cron and not mannualy.



  10. Peter Sedlarik Account Deactivated


    I tried it yesterday again and I have update.

    1. I created a new scheduled task.
    2. Addon created the new task three times -> Priority is ok (normal).
    3. I made a change in the scheduled task (only time: 20 -> 25, you can see it on the picture below).
    4. Addon created the new task twice -> Priority is not ok (critical).

    What that means? If you create a new scheduled task, everything is ok. But if you make any change, priority is not work properly.

    If you make some change before first execution, priority is bad too.


  11. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open


    Thank you guys for your involvement and willingness in getting to the bottom of problem.

    We have successfully reproduced this - our developers are already working on fix.



  12. Maciej Kucharek

    Hi all,

    I'm happy to inform you that we've just deployed a fix for this nasty bug and that the priorities should work as expected now. Thanks a lot for your help in nailing the actual issue!

    All the best, Maciej

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