Duplication Issues being created after JIRA Version upgrade

Issue #219 resolved
Jonathon Senese created an issue


We recently updated our JIRA instance to JIRA 7.3.7 and suddenly The Scheduler has started to create duplicate issues. I am working to manually duplicate the issue now, but I was hoping to send of log files and system info along to you guys in the mean time. Whats the best way for me to get that info over to you?


Comments (17)

  1. Dominik M.

    Dear Jonathon,

    I'm writing in regards to the issue #219. To find a root cause of the issue I need to collect more information:

    1) What database (and its version) do you use? 2) What was the JIRA version before it's been upgraded to the version 7.3.7? 3) Is the JIRA that you talk about a Data Center or a Server edition? 4) Do you have the issue in JIRA Service Desk, Core, or Software? 5) Please attach all necessary logs - the quickest way to do it, is by creating a support ZIP

    Please reply to this email: support.atlassian@tt.com.pl

    Many Thanks, Dominik

  2. Dominik M.

    Dear Jonathon,

    I kindly ask you to reply to support.atlassian@tt.com.pl again, as I do not see anything attached nor answered of what I've asked in my previous response to You.

    Before replying, in CC email field please paste as well: d.maciejewski@tt.com.pl

    Many thanks, Dominik

  3. Dominik M.

    Dear Jonathon,

    If you talk about receiving feedback, then I can inform you new version is to be released soon and we hope this will solve the issue reported by you.

    If you mean giving feedback - please feel free to deliver any additional information in regards to this problem at anytime. The issue won't be resolved until receiving final confirmation from you that everything work as it should.

    Please be advised that one the https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/pl.com.tt.jira.plugin.theschedulerpro/versions page you can find "watch" button - you can use it to be automatically notified when the new version gets uploaded.

    Many thanks, Dominik

  4. Dominik M.


    The only list of bugs and improvements is available at https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/pl.com.tt.jira.plugin.theschedulerpro/versions, however it doesn't include information about future releases: - please click on any version already released to see what had already been added.

    Can I be answered why remote assistance is needed and how do you see helping you via it? In general we do not assist in a helpdesk mode and do not provide ad hoc fixes. We do collect logs and then replicate the issue. If there's any way we can assist, it's by releasing a new version with reported bugs that are fixed in it.

    Many thanks,


  5. Jonathon Senese reporter

    I just need to verify that the issues we are experiencing are legitimate bugs and not some kind of a configuration problem or environment issue. There are a couple specific "scheduled issues" that are consistently not working. There are a number that seem to fail intermittently.

  6. Jonathon Senese reporter

    Can you please let me know when the update will be available and which bugs it is intended to fix. It has been over a week since I brought these bugs to your attention. Please let me know what options I have to resolve this ASAP.

  7. Łukasz Modzelewski
    • changed status to open

    Hi Jonathon,

    I am very sorry, that it is taking so long.

    Yes, it is a bug but we could not reproduce it yet. Some other users also reported similar case and we are searching for a common ground (as it doesn't appear to be something regular).

    Tomorrow we will prepare for you some troubleshooting steps to check if we could narrow down possible problems.

    Best regards,


  8. Jonathon Senese reporter

    I don't see any other option than to set up some kind of screen share or remote support. If we do a screen share, I can facilitate the conversation between you and the user so they can show you exactly what bugs they are encountering. Ideally, we will have a detailed, outlined, plan of action by end of day tomorrow.

  9. Łukasz Modzelewski

    This is what we can do right now:

    I) Let us "see" problematic task:

    0 . Pick 1 Scheduled Issue (SI for a shorthand reference) which is creating duplicate tasks.

    1 . Please check if this SI doesn't have 2 triggers - make a screenshot of the details page with active "Triggers" section (just to be clear - if you have SI running every 5 minutes and every 15 minutes this will create 2 JIRA issues every 15 minutes - as 15 is common denominator).

    2 . Navigate to "Execution History" tab and click "show all" button - then make a screenshot.

    3 . Do the same for "Upcoming Executions".

    II) Check JIRA Scheduler details:

    1 . Navigate to "http://yourdomain.com/secure/admin/SchedulerAdmin.jspa" (or navigate to right hand top corner Administration icon -> System -> Scheduler details (under Troubleshooting and support)).

    2 . Check if there are any red errors next to "The Scheduler Plugin" - it will show us if there are any corrupted triggers.

    01 Scheduler details.png (This section should look something like this on attached screenshoot)

    3 . If there are errors or warnings please make screenshots.

    III) Getting even more details by tracking more in atlassian-jira.log:

    1 . Navigate to "http://yourdomain.com/secure/admin/ViewLogging.jspa".

    2 . Mark Logs - add message "TheSchedulerSupport" - and press mark - this will be our base point.

    02 Mark Logs.png

    3 . Scroll down on this page to add logging to plugin click Configure and add "pl.com.tt.thescheduler" with DEBUG level

    03 Debug on add-on.png

    4 . Now get back to SI from point 0. and execute it manually (and let it run as planned to check if the next execution create duplicate tasks)

    5 . Make a clone of SI 0. (patient "0") to check if clone duplicates tasks.

    6 . After duplication is confirmed at least 2 times - send us atlassian-jira.log file from the base point from 2nd step "TheSchedulerSupport"

    IV) After we receive .log file we will analyze it and let you know if we are able to find the cause of the issue. Hopefully detailed logs will be a breakthrough.

    Basically please follow above instructions, and if we don't succeed in finding the root cause we will need to do screen share on arranged skype session.

    Please send screens and log at support.atlassian@tt.com.pl



  10. Jonathon Senese reporter

    Thanks so much for the quick reply. I am going to work today to follow the troubleshooting guide and get you the logs by end of day.

  11. Dominik M.

    Dear Jonathon,

    Just to let you know - new version of The Scheduler add-on has been released yesterday and is available on the Atlassian Marketplace. You may check if an update of the add-on version solves the reported issue.

    Regards, Dominik

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