Issues created with the scheduler plugin breaks the Greenhopper rating

Issue #41 closed
ION Information Systems created an issue

Hi support,

We are using the Scheduler 2.6.4 in our Jira 5.2.11 instance. Specifically, we have 93 jobs running in a project, that started giving errors related to the GH Rating field (Greenhopper plugin) that can't be calculated correctly at the creation of some of those issues (not always the same, and not always at the same time) since Friday. I attached the error for your reference.

This is causing critical issues to the whole Jira, new issues (created normally through the interface in other projects not using the Scheduler) can't be edited neither Agile boards can load as they show the same error. (this is just because the GH Rating is broken and some issues are affected)

I already open a ticket to Atlassian, but I was wondering if you can investigate your side, or if you even experience an issue like that, as at the moment it starts with the below error, which it seems a bit weird, as that issue doesn't exist before. Additionally, those appearing in the error trace are created but not re-indexed correctly, so they don't appear in the filters, making the team using it missing them.

2015-02-23 08:00:00,080 TheScheduler_Worker-3 ERROR <userid> [atlassian.jira.project.DefaultProjectManager] Existing issue found for key <project key>-7234. Incrementing key.

Today I disabled the Scheduler plugin to see if we experienced the issue again, but Jira worked perfectly. Also the version we have doesn't allow me to disable jobs one by one, due to a bug with the Javascript I guess.

Please let me know if you need more details my side, I understand this issue is related to the interaction between plugins, but we have to understand which one is causing it, the only way to fix it at the moment is restart Jira, that you understand it is not a long term workaround for a production environment.

Thanks Graziella

Comments (11)

  1. jost
    • changed status to open

    Hi Graziella,

    Thank you for such a detailed description of the problem. We will analyze it and will let you know about a possible solution.

  2. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hi, Do you have any update on this? Is it a known issue? Do you want me to provide any Jira or Scheduler backup to test it? Cheers Graziella

  3. jost

    Hi Graziella,

    The most probably this error is due to lack of support for JIRA Agile. Do the error appear since installation of Jira Agile or attempt to create Scheduled Issue related to Agile?

    Cheers Jacek

  4. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hi Jacek, We have installed Agile a couple of years ago, and the Scheduler plugin was installed months ago. Both worked fine till now.

    The Scheduler plugin it is used mainly by one project that has 93 jobs scheduled. The error started occurring when some of those jobs run. I couldn't find a pattern yet, as it is failing in different jobs (not always the same), at different time (not always the same), etc.

    The Agile plugin has this field "GH Rank" that it is calculated for every issue, even if the project is not enabled to work with Agile, as this specific project. The point is that I don't understand how it started, but now it is like the GH Rank can't be calculated correctly when those scheduled issues are created. The consequence when the error occur is that some Agile boards are broken and some new issues can't be edited. Given that Agile is widely used than the Scheduler plugin, I have disabled the Scheduler temporary, as the only way to fix it (temporarily) it was to restart Jira.

    Cheers Graziella

  5. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hi Jacek,

    I already tried that, but everytime after some time 2 issues scheduled are stuck in that table. We use Greenhopper 6.2.1 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

    I set up a test environment, but I'm also unable to replicate the issue there.

    Cheers Graziella

  6. jost

    Hi Graziella,

    I'm not able to reproduce this bug in any way. Maybe it's caused by the settings of the server itself or a particular instance of Jira.

    Please consider update of Jira and Agile. Since version 6.4 Agile (able since jira 6.1-6.3.15) is using a different ranking system. This is probably solve your problem. It also would allow you to keep up to date with new version of The scheduler.

    Cheers Jacek

  7. ION Information Systems reporter

    Hi Jarek,

    We are planning to upgrade Jira to 6.3.10 and Agile plugin to 6.6 by the end of the month. In the next couple of weeks we will run many tests on the new version, and we will try to replicate the issue also involving the users to see if it related to the actions they do on the system. As I wasn't able to replicate the issue in the test environment with the current versions (Jira 5.2 and Agile 6.2), I can't be sure that the upgrade will fix it.

    Thanks Graziella

  8. jost

    Hi Graziella,

    I agree with you that you can't be sure that the upgrade will fix it. However as i mentioned before, Agile use a different ranking system since version 6.4. What more the current version of scheduler is much more improved than TheScheduler 2.6.4. Including different implementation of creating issue from Scheduled Job. Thus, I conclude that update can solve your problem. It's just the best idea for that moment because we are not able to reproduce this bug. Even if I would be able to reproduce the error, the amendment had been attached to the current version of plugin. For older version i can only suggest a possible workaround. So please to try the current Scheduler and please let us know about results.

    Regards, Jacek

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