Notifications not being sent

Issue #93 wontfix
Dave Harrington created an issue

I see you closed (as 'Won't fix") issue #16 - however, we have our notification scheme properly set up... JIRA issues created manually notify the Project Lead and the Assignee. But, scheduled issues are not creating notifications.

I thought it might be because the creator of the scheduled issue is the same as the person the issue is being assigned to - however, even if that prevents the assignee from receiving a notification, the project lead should still get one. And that's not happening.

This will be a showstopper to our ability to use the tool.


Comments (4)

  1. jost

    Hello Dave,

    Thank you for this feedback. We will analyze the problem you described and we'll give you know about the possible solutions.


    Jacek Ostrowski

  2. jost

    Hello Dave,

    We checked the case described by you. The notifications should be sent. The Scheduler have no influence on notification system. Admittedly we use the creation function, however the notifications are sent independently from this function. Its internal service of JIRA.

    Please notice that by default JIRA project leader does not receive notification of the creation issue as like creator.

    Kind regards,

    Jacek Ostrowski

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