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The Scheduler / Description of The Scheduler functionality

Description of The Scheduler functionality

The Scheduler plugin is designed for automatic issue creation. It allows to define Scheduled Issues that will automatically create standard JIRA Issues at selected time, date or in chosen intervals. Scheduled Issues are able to create standard issues, issues with defined sub-tasks and sub-tasks with selected existing issue as parent.

The Scheduler supports all Issue Types, field types and custom fields (except the Attachment field, which is not supported yet.). It means that The Scheduler works with Agile and Service Desk projects.

How does it actually work?

The Scheduler is based on the idea of Scheduled Issues - a template for newly created issues. Every project in your JIRA can have its own Scheduled Issues. For each Scheduled Issue you can define Issue Type and fields values (fields set is the same like during manually creation issue in JIRA, except the Attachment field). The Scheduler supports dynamically generated summary and description fields from build in variables (like creation/due date). If you want, you can also automatically increase issue priority after creating first issue instead of creating more copies.

Each Scheduled Issues can contain triggers that will create new issues from templates at selected time or interval. You can define triggers using The Schedulers built-in wizard or you can also define more advanced creation conditions by using standard Cron Expressions. You can define multiple triggers for each Scheduled Issue.

Scheduled Issues are assigned to the project, therefore in each project you can see only Scheduled Issues created for that project. Creator of the Scheduled Issue can manage its access rights, as by default only the creators can edit or delete Scheduled Issues. There is one exception - JIRA Administrators can manage all Scheduled Issues.

JIRA Administrators can set plugin access permissions to allow creating Scheduled Issues for the specified roles, groups, single users and the Project Lead.

You can backup your Scheduled Issues to restore them later on the same instance using import/export function.

The Scheduler supports JIRA clustering, therefore it can be installed on large production systems.

Feel free to contact us in case of any issues with The Scheduler under the e-mail or by creating issue on Bitbucket
