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The Scheduler / Manage Scheduled Issue access

Manage Scheduled Issue access

After the Scheduled Issue creation, only the creator and JIRA Administrators can edit, delete Scheduled Issue and manually execute them. Manage Access system allows to grant execute and edit permissions to each Scheduled Issue individually.

You can manage your Scheduled Issue access from two places:

  • From the Scheduled Issues table, press More->Manage Access next to selected Scheduled Issue:


  • Or you can enter Scheduled Issue details page and press Manage Access button:


JIRA Administrators can manage access to all Scheduled Issues in the system.

After you execute Manage Access action, you will see that window: share_window.png

You can choose the following options:

  • Everyone - means that every person that has access to Scheduled Issues table can edit or execute specified Scheduled Issue
  • Project Functions - you can grant access to this Scheduled Issue to Project Lead
  • Project Roles - you can grant access to this Scheduled Issue to roles in the current project
  • Single Users - you can grant access to this Scheduled Issue to individual users
  • Groups - you can grant access to this Scheduled Issue to groups

Users may enter Scheduled Issue details and execute Scheduled Issue after granting access to them: scheduled-issue-shared.png

Otherwise, non-creators and non-admins will have manage actions greyed out: scheduled-issue-not-shared.png
