Hanging thread detected when connecting the existing TM1 model cube

Issue #752 closed
Seok Kiang Tan created an issue

Please refer to the attachment for explanation

Comments (2)

  1. Ada Trajer

    Hi, The hanging thread notification is not a bug, it's just the information send out by the application to let you know that the thread (mdx) is taking a long time to process and can be canceled from the level of the notification. Time after which the notifications appear can be adjusted in the default.constant.js file (apq-c3-custom\js\default.constant.js) by changing this option : 'DEFAULT_THREAD_HANG_TIME': 10 (default time is set to 10 sec)

  2. Seok Kiang Tan reporter

    Hi, I can’t find this option in my default.constant.js, please advise where should I put it. Thanks

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