TM1Web Websheet cannot be accessed by non admin user

Issue #758 closed
Seok Kiang Tan created an issue

Found that the TM1Web Websheet can be accessible by admin people only. Please find attached herewith the explanation detail. Thanks.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wiltshire
    • changed status to open

    Whether the user can access the dashboard is controlled within Apliqo UX via the application security (which is just element security of the }APQ UX App dimension from a technical perspective. However, whether users can access the websheet, and in turn data in the websheet is determined by security within the reporting instance itself. Do the other users actually have access to the websheet within the reporting instance itself?

  2. Seok Kiang Tan reporter

    Yes, the user can access the websheet in the reporting instance and I also grant the access for the user to use the dashboard in ApliqoUX.

    Another finding is that after the admin user access/open the TM1widget websheet dashboard, then only the normal user can access the websheet in Apliqo UX. Looks like it is admin dependency.

    Please advise. Thanks.

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