Export to Excel - rowspan and Excel upload

Issue #869 duplicate
Wei Wang created an issue

On a screen with >1 stacked row columns and rowspan enabled, the “Excel (load format)” export tries to imitate the rowspan format by merging the Excel row header columns. This cell merging in Excel creates issues when trying to use the exported file as a template for Excel upload.

Wanted to propose adding an Adv Option toggle related to Excel exports that would generate a variation of the Excel file which does not merge cells even when rowspan is enabled in the original Apliqo screen. This way, the Excel template would still be compatible with Apliqo’s Excel Upload.

Original Apliqo screen w/ rowspan

Current Excel Export

Proposed Excel Export w/ new Adv Option enabled

Comments (2)

  1. Ada Trajer

    Hi Wei, thank you for submitting the enhancement proposal - I will mark it as duplicate as we already have a similar ticket opened.

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