Cite summary macro is invisible in page preview mode

Issue #22 closed
alana fernando created an issue

Steps to recreate 1. Add cites in a page 2. Add cite summary macro 3. Click ‘preview’ (page level)

Expected results Cite summary macro outputs should be visible in page preview mode

Actual results Cite summary macro output is hidden in page preview mode

Environment Details: 1. Confluence version: 6.2.3 2. Plugin version : 1.5.0 3. Browser versions: • Chrome 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit) • Fire fox 53.0.2 (64 –bit) • IE 11.0.9600.18665

Comments (9)

  1. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Alana,

    in this case the same applies as for your issue #21. Regardless of this explanation I will try to access the draft version in a future release and see whether this helps.

    In the meantime I will update the documentation to explain this circumstance.

    Kind regards


  2. alana fernando reporter

    Hi Andreas,

    thank you verymuch for the quick respond.

    but i have a concern that, even after i save the page and then click edit and page preview still cite summary is not visible. if confluence takes the latest page version doesn't it should visible on the 2nd page preview?


    1. Add cites in a page

    2. Add cite summary macro

    3. save page

    4. click edit page

    5. click review (page level)

    expected output : since cite summary is visible in page view it should be visible in page preview preview now

    actual output : cite summary is still invisible

    Regards, Alana

  3. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Alana,

    now I understand - you talk about the page preview. There I can confirm the issue. I'll investigate it and let you know as soon as I can.

    Kind regards


  4. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Short update: I know where the problem comes from but there might be no solution. In preview mode Confluence does not provide the storage format of the page I need to generate the overview. I might end up with just showing a message that preview is not supported for the cite summary.

  5. Andreas Purde repo owner

    Dear Alana,

    I needed to provide a different fix. Version 1.5.2 should do it better now.

    Kind regards


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