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matchbornes / Home


What is this, kupo?

matchbornes is a tool for Buriedbornes translators, and seekers of lore. It is a community effort, maintained and contributed to by volunteers.

You can use matchbornes to explore the vast amount of lore, jobs, equipment, skills, enemies, bosses, dungeons and more.

Remember that this is a tool first and foremost, for the translators: it's not a beautiful site.


Use the search box and dropdown, or add search paramater(s) to the URL: ID, name, any partial match in descriptions, et cetera. Case insensitive. Any language. Multiple matches can be returned.


Search Filters by Name


You can search through the names of items (IDs matching MasterName-*). This can be useful to isolate the thing you are searching for. Use the dropdown menu on the web interface, or the !trigger command on Discord.

Currently filtered name searches support the following languages: en ja zh-t. Request your language to be supported, if needed.

You can also append the following ?queries to the URL for the same result:



I work on the official Buriedbornes Discord too, kupo! Use the following triggers or their aliases:

  !matchbornes !mb !search

  !contract !c !fd
  !dungeon !d !dg
  !effect !e !ef
  !enemymod !enm !em
  !job !j !jb
  !legendary !l !efl
  !skill !s !sk
  !skillmod !sm


Examples: !matchbornes prologue !mb anticor !skill heal !job vamp !effect cat

See the Discord wiki page for full details.
