
ASD Technologies Kr95MA: Untitled snippet

Created by Denis Kirichenko

File Added

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+version = '2020_06_13_00:00'
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict
+from itertools import count
+from datetime import time
+# stat_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
+# stat_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: {'count': 0, 'processtime': 0.0}))
+stat_data = defaultdict(lambda: {'count': 0, 'processtime': 0.0})
+celery_stat_data = defaultdict(lambda: {'count': 0, 'processtime': 0.0})
+EXTRACT_CTX_CLASS = re.compile(r'^.+\"ctx_class\"\: (?P<ctx_name>[^\,]+),.+\"processtime\"\: (?P<processtime>[^\,]+),.+$')
+# May 27 06:25:10
+EXTRACT_CTX_CLASS_2 = re.compile(r'^(?P<month>[^\s]+)\s(?P<day>[^\s]+)\s(?P<str_time>[^\s]+)\s.+\"ctx_class\"\: (?P<ctx_name>[^\,]+),.+\"http_method\": (?P<http_method>[^\,]+),.+\"processtime\"\: (?P<processtime>[^\,]+),.+$')
+# EXTRACT_CTX_CLASS_3 = re.compile(r'^(?P<datetime>[^\s]+\s[^\s]+\s[^\s]+)\s.+\"ctx_class\"\: (?P<ctx_name>[^\,]+),.+\"processtime\"\: (?P<processtime>[^\,]+),.+$')
+a = 'May 27 06:26:34 qa requests: {"user_id": 0, "msg": "", "ctx_class": "NovakidRoot", "ctx_name": "", "getparameters": "", "http_method": "GET", "ip": "", "pid": 25977, "processtime": 0.000811, "replycode": 200, "req_body": "", "time": 1590560794.5993605, "url": "/", "user_agent": "Zabbix"}'
+b = EXTRACT_CTX_CLASS.match(a)
+CELERY_TASKS = re.compile(r'^(?P<month>[^\s]+)\s(?P<day>[^\s]+)\s(?P<str_time>[^\s]+).*celery:.*\"processtime\"\: (?P<processtime>[^\,]+),.*\"task\"\: (?P<task>[^\,]+).*$')
+celery = """Jul 22 12:20:13 qa novakid.backend.celery: {"user_id": -1, "msg": "Task finished", "error": "", "pid": 15854, "processtime": 0.006001, "task": "novakid.backend.facebook.tasks.process_lead", "task_args": "({'created_time': '2020-05-31T13:36:24+0000', 'id': '550532535659457', 'ad_id': '23844785264560091', 'form_id': '1168906423443622', 'field_data': [{'name': 'full_name', 'values': ['Petra Zemkov\u00e1']}, {'name': 'phone_number', 'values': ['+420774020277']}, {'name': 'email', 'values': ['']}]},)", "task_id": "c027e67f-414d-4cdc-805a-c4163c50969e", "task_kwargs": "{'facebook_app_name': 'global_page'}"}"""
+#Jul 22 12:27:00 qa novakid.backend.utils: {"user_id": -1, "msg": "used_memory_vms::before::novakid.backend.classes.tasks.other_tasks.sync_class_pings_through_redis 484 MB", "pid": 15854}
+#Jul 22 12:25:00 qa novakid.backend.celery: {"user_id": -1, "msg": "Task added", "pid": 15401, "task": "novakid.backend.classes.tasks.other_tasks.sync_class_pings_through_redis", "task_args": "()", "task_id": "0a9d7063-8a25-4526-bc28-586de087684b", "task_kwargs": "{}"}
+#Jul 22 12:20:13 qa novakid.backend.celery: {"user_id": -1, "msg": "Task finished", "error": "", "pid": 15854, "processtime": 0.006001, "task": "novakid.backend.facebook.tasks.process_lead", "task_args": "({'created_time': '2020-05-31T13:36:24+0000', 'id': '550532535659457', 'ad_id': '23844785264560091', 'form_id': '1168906423443622', 'field_data': [{'name': 'full_name', 'values': ['Petra Zemkov\u00e1']}, {'name': 'phone_number', 'values': ['+420774020277']}, {'name': 'email', 'values': ['']}]},)", "task_id": "c027e67f-414d-4cdc-805a-c4163c50969e", "task_kwargs": "{'facebook_app_name': 'global_page'}"}
+c = CELERY_TASKS.match(celery)
+file_name = 'syslog.1'
+c = count()
+step = 100000
+if True:
+    minutes_filter = []
+    hours_filter = []
+    minutes_filter = [(25, 29), (55, 59)]
+    hours_filter = [(13, 17)]
+SORT_KEY = 'processtime'
+def show_stat(stat_data, n=None):
+    sorted_stat = [{'name': k, 'count': v['count'], 'processtime': v['processtime'], 'average': v['processtime']/v['count']} for k, v in stat_data.items()]
+    # print(sorted_stat)
+    sorted_stat.sort(key=lambda k: k['average'], reverse=True)
+    # print(sorted_stat)
+    if n is None:
+        n = len(sorted_stat)
+    for x in sorted_stat[:n]:
+        print(x)
+def check_time_filter(hour_filters, minute_filters, str_time):
+    if len(hour_filters) == 0 and len(minute_filters) == 0:
+        return True
+    split_time = str_time.split(':')
+    hours = int(split_time[0])
+    minutes = int(split_time[1])
+    if hours_filter:
+        ignore = True
+        for x in hours_filter:
+             if x[0]<= hours <= x[1]:
+                ignore = False
+                break
+        if ignore:
+            return False
+        if minutes_filter:
+            ignore = True
+            for x in minutes_filter:
+                if x[0]<= minutes <= x[1]:
+                     ignore = False
+                     break
+            if ignore:
+                return False
+    return True
+with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+    for s in f:
+        all_count = next(c)
+        #if 'ctx_class' not in s:
+        #    continue
+        # matched_key = EXTRACT_CTX_CLASS.match(s)
+        matched_key = EXTRACT_CTX_CLASS_2.match(s)
+        if matched_key:
+            month, day, str_time, ctx_name, http_method, processtime = matched_key.groups()
+            if not check_time_filter(hours_filter, minutes_filter, str_time):
+                continue
+            name = ctx_name + " " + http_method
+            ctx_name_stat = stat_data[name]
+            ctx_name_stat['count'] += 1
+            ctx_name_stat['processtime'] += float(processtime)
+            ctx_name_stat = stat_data['All']
+            ctx_name_stat['count'] += 1
+            ctx_name_stat['processtime'] += float(processtime)
+            #if all_count % step == 0:
+            #    show_stat(stat_data, n=7)
+            #    print("#"*10)
+        else:
+            matched_key = CELERY_TASKS.match(s)
+            if matched_key:
+                month, day, str_time, processtime, task = matched_key.groups()
+                if not check_time_filter(hours_filter, minutes_filter, str_time):
+                    continue
+                #import pdb
+                #pdb.set_trace()
+                name = task
+                celery_task_stat = celery_stat_data[name]
+                celery_task_stat['count'] += 1
+                celery_task_stat['processtime'] += float(processtime)
+                celery_task_stat = celery_stat_data['All']
+                celery_task_stat['count'] += 1
+                celery_task_stat['processtime'] += float(processtime)
+print(f'hours_filter: {hours_filter}')
+print(f'minutes_filter:  {minutes_filter}')
+print("request stat")
+show_stat(stat_data, n=100)
+print("\n\ncelery stat:\n\n")
+show_stat(celery_stat_data, n=100)

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