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Aspose for Apache POI / Access-Properties-of-Protected-Presentation


//Accessing the Document Properties of a Password Protected Presentation without Password
//creating instance of load options to set the presentation access password
com.aspose.slides.LoadOptions loadOptions = new com.aspose.slides.LoadOptions();

//Setting the access password to null
loadOptions.setPassword (null);

//Setting the access to document properties
loadOptions.setOnlyLoadDocumentProperties (true);

//Opening the presentation file by passing the file path and load options to the constructor of Presentation class
Presentation pres = new Presentation( "data/AsposeProtection-PropAccess.pptx", loadOptions);

//Getting Document Properties
IDocumentProperties docProps = pres.getDocumentProperties();

System.out.println("Properties Count: " + docProps.getCount());

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