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Aspose for OpenXML / Working with Bookmarks Using OpenXML SDK

Working with Bookmarks:

Bookmarks identify in a Microsoft Word document the locations or fragments that you name and identify for future reference. For example, you might use a bookmark to identify text that you want to revise later. Instead of scrolling through the document to locate the text, you can go to it by using the Bookmark dialog box.

Using OpenXML SDK

Below is the code for inserting mutiline bookmark and replacing the text of any existing bookmark.


 using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
 using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
 using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;

 DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.WordprocessingDocument _activeWordDocument = null;
         /// <summary>
        /// Suchen book in whole active document and replace content with text
        /// </summary>
      public bool ReplaceBookmarkContent(string bookmarkName, string text)
            bool success = true;
            if (_activeWordDocument != null)
                //Get body part of document
                MainDocumentPart main = _activeWordDocument.MainDocumentPart;
                //Function to find and replace the bookmark with text
                FindBookmarksAndReplaceWithText(bookmarkName, text, DocumentPart.Main, main);
                success = true;
                //Get header areas of document
                if (_activeWordDocument.MainDocumentPart.HeaderParts != null)
                    foreach (var header in _activeWordDocument.MainDocumentPart.HeaderParts)
                        FindBookmarksAndReplaceWithText(bookmarkName, text,DocumentPart.Headers,header);
                        success = true;
                //Get footer areas of document
                if (_activeWordDocument.MainDocumentPart.FooterParts != null)
                    foreach (var footer in _activeWordDocument.MainDocumentPart.FooterParts)
                        FindBookmarksAndReplaceWithText(bookmarkName, text, DocumentPart.Footers, footer);
                        success = true;
This main function uses the sub function "FindBookmarkAndReplaceWithText", which does all the heavy lifting of searching, inserting the text and restoring the bookmark.


private void FindBookmarksAndReplaceWithText(string bookmarkName, string text,DocumentPart partType, object part)
            MainDocumentPart main = null;
            BookmarkStart bmstart = null;
            HeaderPart header = null;
            FooterPart footer = null;
            //Check, which document part is the target 
            //and find the bookmark's start in this document area
            switch (partType)
                case DocumentPart.Main:
                        main = (MainDocumentPart)part;
                        bmstart = (from b in main.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkStart>()
                                   where b.Name.ToString().StartsWith(bookmarkName)
                                   select b).FirstOrDefault();
                case DocumentPart.Headers:
                        header = (HeaderPart)part;
                        bmstart = (from b in header.RootElement.Descendants<BookmarkStart>()
                                   where b.Name.ToString().StartsWith(bookmarkName)
                                   select b).FirstOrDefault();
                case DocumentPart.Footers:
                        footer = (FooterPart)part;
                        bmstart = (from b in footer.RootElement.Descendants<BookmarkStart>()
                                   where b.Name.ToString().StartsWith(bookmarkName)
                                   select b).FirstOrDefault();
            if (bmstart != null) //start of bookmark was found
                BookmarkEnd bmend = null;
                string idBm = bmstart.Id;

                //Find end of bookmark
                switch (partType)
                    case DocumentPart.Main:
                            bmend = (from b in main.Document.Body.Descendants<BookmarkEnd>()
                                     where b.Id == idBm
                                     select b).FirstOrDefault();
                    case DocumentPart.Headers:
                            bmend = (from b in header.RootElement.Descendants<BookmarkEnd>()
                                     where b.Id == idBm
                                     select b).FirstOrDefault();
                    case DocumentPart.Footers:
                            bmend = (from b in footer.RootElement.Descendants<BookmarkEnd>()
                                     where b.Id == idBm
                                     select b).FirstOrDefault();
                if (bmend != null) //End of bookmark was found
                    //Check, if new text should be append
                    OpenXmlElement sliblingElement = bmstart.Parent.PreviousSibling();
                    if(sliblingElement == null)
                        sliblingElement = bmstart.Parent.Parent;
                    RunProperties rProp= null;
                    if(bmstart.Parent.Descendants<Run>()!= null)
                        rProp = (from rp in bmstart.Parent.Descendants<Run>()
                                 where rp.RunProperties != null
                                 select rp.RunProperties).FirstOrDefault();
                    //Check, if bookmark is extended over more the one paragraph and check, if
                    //end of bookmark is embedded into a table (if yes -> replace the table with the text)

                    if(bmend.Parent.GetType() == typeof(Table))
                        //Table should be replaced
                        //Replace table with paragraph
                        Paragraph parentPara = (Paragraph)bmend.Parent.ElementsBefore().Where(e => e.GetType() == typeof(Paragraph)).LastOrDefault();
                        sliblingElement = parentPara;

                       //Set new start of bookmark
                        BookmarkStart nBmStart = new BookmarkStart()
                            Name = bookmarkName,
                            Id = idBm
                        //New paragraph
                        Paragraph nPara = new Paragraph();
                        if(parentPara.Descendants<ParagraphProperties>().Select(z => z) != null)
                            foreach(var props in parentPara.Descendants<ParagraphProperties>())
                        //New Run
                        Run nRun = new Run();
                        //New text
                        Text nText = new Text()
                            Text = text
                        //New end of bookmark
                        BookmarkEnd nBmEnd = new BookmarkEnd()
                            Id = idBm

                        //End of bookmark was not embedded into a table
                       //Check, if bookmark range contains more paragraphs 
                        if(bmstart.Parent != bmend.Parent)
                            //Bookmark contains more paragraphs
                            //Copy the paragraph styles of the first paragraph, which will be used for the inserted text
                            ParagraphProperties paraProp = (ParagraphProperties)((Paragraph)bmstart.Parent).ParagraphProperties.Clone();
                            //Get all paragraphs of bookmark
                            var list = (from p in bmstart.Parent.ElementsAfter()
                                        p == bmend.Parent
                                        select p).ToList();
                             //Remove all paragraphs
                            for(int n = list.Count(); n > 0; n--)
                                list[n - 1].Remove();
                            //Remove start paragraph
                            //Check, if new text contains line feed and carriage return = more lines
                            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || (!text.Contains("\r") && !text.Contains("\n")))
                                //New text has only one paragraph
                                //New start of bookmark
                                BookmarkStart nBmStart = new BookmarkStart()
                                    Name = bookmarkName,
                                    Id = idBm
                                //New paragarpah
                                Paragraph nPara = new Paragraph()
                                    ParagraphProperties = (ParagraphProperties)paraProp.Clone()
                                //New run
                                Run nRun = new Run();
                                //New text
                                Text nText = new Text()
                                    Text = text
                                //New end of bookmark
                                BookmarkEnd nBmEnd = new BookmarkEnd()
                                    Id = idBm

                                //Inserting text with more lines
                                InsertMultiLineText(bookmarkName, text, bmstart, sliblingElement, paraProp, rProp);
                            //Existing bookmark range contains only one paragraph
                            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ||(!text.Contains("\r") && !text.Contains("\n")))
                                //New text contains only one paragraph  
                                if(bmstart.PreviousSibling<Run>() == null
                                    bmend.ElementsAfter() != null
                                    bmend.ElementsAfter().Where(e => e.GetType() == typeof(Run)).Count() == 0)

                                    //removing runs of paragraphs, which are part of the bookmark range
                                    var list = (from r in bmstart.ElementsAfter()
                                                select r).ToList();
                                    RunProperties trRun = (from rp in list
                                                           where rp.GetType() == typeof(Run)
                                                           ((Run)rp).RunProperties != null
                                                           select ((Run)rp).RunProperties).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if(trRun != null)
                                        rProp = (RunProperties)trRun.Clone();
                                    for(int n = list.Count(); n > 0; n--)
                                        list[n - 1].Remove();
                                //New run with the style of the first run, which was removed
                                Run nRun = new Run();
                                if(rProp != null)
                                    nRun.RunProperties = (RunProperties)rProp.Clone();
                                //New text
                                Text nText = new Text()
                                    Text = text
                                //New text contains more lines
                                //Copy the style of the first paragraph
                                ParagraphProperties paraProp = (ParagraphProperties)((Paragraph)bmstart.Parent).ParagraphProperties.Clone();
                                //remove paragraph

                                //Inserting multiline new text with the style of the bookmark start paragraph
                                InsertMultiLineText(bookmarkName, text, bmstart, sliblingElement, paraProp, rProp);



            return success;
Finally, the last function uses another subfunction "InsertMultiLineText" to insert text with more lines into a bookmark range, e.g. a address for a letter or invoice.


private void InsertMultiLineText(string bookmarkName, 
            string text, 
            BookmarkStart bmstart, 
            OpenXmlElement sliblingElement, 
            ParagraphProperties paraProp,
            RunProperties rProp)
            OpenXmlElement insertElement = sliblingElement;
                string[] textLines = text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                int cnt = 0;
                BookmarkStart nbmStart = null;
                foreach(string textLine in textLines)
                    Paragraph np = new Paragraph()
                        ParagraphProperties = (ParagraphProperties)paraProp.Clone()
                    if(cnt == 0)
                        //Insert new bookmark start
                        nbmStart = new BookmarkStart();
                        nbmStart.Name = bookmarkName;
                        nbmStart.Id = bmstart.Id;
                    //Insert new runs with text
                    Run nr = new Run();
                    if(rProp!= null)
                        nr.RunProperties = (RunProperties)rProp.Clone();
                    nr.AppendChild<Text>(new Text(textLine));
                    if(cnt == textLines.Count() - 1)
                        //Insert new bookmark end
                        BookmarkEnd nbmEnd = new BookmarkEnd()
                            Id = nbmStart.Id
                    //Append paragraph
                    if(insertElement.Parent != null)

                    insertElement = np;
                    cnt += 1;

Using Aspose SDK

With Aspose.Words, you can use bookmarks in reports or documents to insert some data into the bookmark or apply special formatting to its content. You can also use bookmarks to retrieve text from a certain location in your document.Below is the code for inserting bookmark.


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Aspose.Words;

namespace Bookmarks
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string projectFiles = Path.GetFullPath("../../Files/");

            Document doc = new Document(projectFiles + "TestDoc.docx");
            BookmarkCollection bookmarks = doc.Range.Bookmarks;

            foreach (Bookmark bookmark in bookmarks)
                System.Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", bookmark.Name, bookmark.Text);


