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Aspose Java for Docx4j / Add-Auto-Shapes-in-Slide


//Get the first slide
ISlide sld = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);

for (int i = 1 ; i <= ShapeType.ChartPlus ; i++)
    System.out.println(i + ". Done.");
    //Add an auto shape of type line
    sld.getShapes().addAutoShape(i, 50, 100, 150, 100);
    sld = pres.getSlides().addEmptySlide(pres.getLayoutSlides().get_Item(0));

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public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
    String dataPath = "src/featurescomparison/workingwithslides/addautoshapes/data/";

    // Where will we save our new .ppxt?
    String outputfilepath = dataPath + "Pptx4jAutoShapes.pptx";

    // Create skeletal package
    PresentationMLPackage presentationMLPackage = PresentationMLPackage.createPackage(); 

    MainPresentationPart pp = (MainPresentationPart)presentationMLPackage.getParts().getParts().get(
            new PartName("/ppt/presentation.xml"));

    SlideLayoutPart layoutPart = (SlideLayoutPart)presentationMLPackage.getParts().getParts().get(
            new PartName("/ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"));

    boolean noLine = false;

    /* ST_ShapeType has 203 values
     * Create a slide for each shape */
    int i = 1;  
    for (STShapeType st : STShapeType.values() ) {

        System.out.println("Adding slide for shape: " + st.value() );

        SlidePart slidePart = createSlidePart(pp, layoutPart, i);

        // Create and add shapes
        Shape title = ((Shape)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(
                getSlideTitle(st.value()), Context.jcPML) );

        Shape sample = ((Shape)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(
                getPresetShape(st.value(), noLine), Context.jcPML) );

    // All done: save it;

    System.out.println("\n\n done .. saved " + outputfilepath);


 * Create a slide and add it to the package
 * @param pp
 * @param layoutPart
 * @param i
 * @return the slide
 * @throws InvalidFormatException
 * @throws JAXBException
private static SlidePart createSlidePart(MainPresentationPart pp, SlideLayoutPart layoutPart, int i) 
    throws InvalidFormatException, JAXBException {

    // Slide part
    SlidePart slidePart = new SlidePart(new PartName("/ppt/slides/slide" + i +".xml") );

    slidePart.setJaxbElement( SlidePart.createSld() );

    // Slide layout part

    return slidePart;

 * get XML for the specified present shape
 * @param preset
 * @param noLine
 * @return
private static String getPresetShape(String preset, boolean noLine) {

    String txBody = "";
    String ln = "";

    // Shape will say "click here to add title"
    // if txBody is not present.
    // If txBody is present, shape will be invisible
    // unless a:ln is present
    if (!noLine) {
//          txBody = "<p:txBody>"
//              + "<a:bodyPr />"
//              + "<a:lstStyle />"
//              + "<a:p>"
//                  + "<a:r>"
//                      + "<a:rPr lang=\"en-US\" smtClean=\"0\" />"
//                      + "<a:t> </a:t>"
//                  + "</a:r>"
//                  + "<a:endParaRPr lang=\"en-US\" />"
//              + "</a:p>"
//          + "</p:txBody>";

        ln = "<a:ln>"
                    +"<a:srgbClr val=\"FF0000\"/>"

     * If you don't have a:ln, there will be no lines,
     * so the shape will be invisible.
     * If you add <p:ph type=\"title\" />, you'll get
     * a title (and the dotted outline of the shape
     * will be visible).
     * Without a p:txBody, the words "Click to
     * add title" will appear. (maybe title because
     * of our p:ph/@type?) 

        "<p:sp   xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\" xmlns:p=\"\">"
            + "<p:nvSpPr>"
                + "<p:cNvPr id=\"4\" name=\"My Preset Shape\" />"
                + "<p:cNvSpPr/>" 
                    //+ "<a:spLocks noGrp=\"1\" />"
                //+ "</p:cNvSpPr>"
                + "<p:nvPr/>"
//                      + "<p:ph type=\"title\" />"
//                  + "</p:nvPr>"
            + "</p:nvSpPr>"
            + "<p:spPr>"
                + "<a:xfrm>"
                    + "<a:off x=\"1981200\" y=\"533400\"/>"
                    + "<a:ext cx=\"1143000\" cy=\"1066800\"/>"
                + "</a:xfrm>"
                + "<a:prstGeom prst=\"" + preset + "\">"
                + "<a:avLst/>"
                + "</a:prstGeom>"
                + ln
            + "</p:spPr>"
            + txBody
    + "</p:sp>";

private static String getSlideTitle(String preset) {
    return "<p:sp   xmlns:a=\"\" xmlns:r=\"\" xmlns:p=\"\">"
    + "<p:nvSpPr>"
    + "<p:cNvPr id=\"4\" name=\"Title 3\" />"
    + "<p:cNvSpPr>"
        + "<a:spLocks noGrp=\"1\" />"
    + "</p:cNvSpPr>"
    + "<p:nvPr>"
        + "<p:ph type=\"title\" />"
    + "</p:nvPr>"
+ "</p:nvSpPr>"
+ "<p:spPr />"
+ "<p:txBody>"
    + "<a:bodyPr />"
    + "<a:lstStyle />"
    + "<a:p>"
        + "<a:r>"
            + "<a:rPr lang=\"en-US\" smtClean=\"0\" />"
            + "<a:t>" + preset + "</a:t>"
        + "</a:r>"
        + "<a:endParaRPr lang=\"en-US\" />"
    + "</a:p>"
+ "</p:txBody>"
+ "</p:sp>";    

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