Enable lists in blockquotes

Issue #75 resolved
Chris Fuller created an issue

See https://product-fabric.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADF/pages/3869803228/ADF+Change+72+Node+Nesting.

This should not be merged and released until the changes are promoted to the full schema, but we have a pretty good idea what they will look like so it should be easy to have them ready to go.

Official response

Comments (4)

  1. Chris Fuller reporter

    This is going to have to be reverted in 0.34.0 and re-released later. The editor team isn't ready for it, yet.

  2. Chris Fuller reporter

    Fixed in 0.35.1, with the feature guarded by BlockquoteParser.ALLOW_LISTS in the wiki markup converter. It will be permanently enabled in a future release.

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