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atlasboard / FAQ

How do I install nodejs?

  • go to nodejs and download/install the binary
  • or install it with brew install node
  • or download the source from github and compile it yourself (you will need gcc - download XCode command line tools if you are in OSX)

How do I create a new wallboard?

  1. Install node.js (0.8 or above)
  2. Install the latest atlasboard npm -g install atlasboard
  3. atlasboard new myboard

How do I create a new job? A new widget? A new dashboard

In the default package

atlasboard generate job myjob

atlasboard generate widget mywidget

atlasboard generate dashboard mydashboard

In the "mycompany" package

atlasboard generate job mycompany#myjob

atlasboard generate widget mycompany#mywidget

atlasboard generate dashboard mycompany#mydashboard

Where do I store the credentials file?

  • By default the credentials file is store in globalAuth.json, in the same directory where the wallboard is created. You can change this path by changing the authentication-file-path property in config/atlasboard.json/ i.e:

  "live-logging" : {
    "enabled": true
  "authentication-file-path": "/home/atlasboard/.credentials.json"

Be aware that path expressions like "~/" are not valid (read this)

this is available since 0.5.0

How do I download and install a new package?

To install the charts package:

git submodule add packages/charts

Where the module dependencies are being picked up?

Where the module dependencies are being picked up

How to refer to per widget static assets:

In your html:


<img src="/widgets/resources?resource=atlassian/shipit/myimage.png">

will fetch the image located on


- atlassian
  - widgets
    - shipit
       - myimage.png

How do I change the default number of rows/cols in a dashboard?



  "layout": {

      "title": false,
      "customJS" : ["pretty.js", "date.format.js", "md5.js", "jquery.peity.js", "spin.js"],
      "gridSize" : { "columns" : 8, "rows" : 8 },
      "widgets" : [
