
Clone wiki

atlasboard / Widgets



Each widget is comprised of a HTML file (the HTML that fills the widget's

  • element on the dashboard), a CSS file and, most importantly, a JavaScript file. Each of these files must have the same name as the folder they're located in.

    This is a basic widget to print plaintext provided by the "Hello World" job above (where widgetName is the name of the widget):

    widget = {
        //runs when we receive data from the job
        onData: function(el, data) {
            //The parameters our job passed through are in the data object
            //el is our widget element, so our actions should all be relative to that
            if (data.title) {
                $('h2', el).text(data.title);
            $('.content', el).html(data.text);

    How to refer to per widget static assets:

    In your html:

    <img src="/widgets/resources?resource=atlassian/shipit/myimage.png">

    will fetch the image located on

    - atlassian
      - widgets
        - shipit
           - myimage.png
  • Updated