5.0.0 of fugue-parent not in MVN central

Issue #72 open
Achim Grimm created an issue

https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.atlassian.fugue/fugue-parent does not contain 5.0.0

Trying to use fugue 5.0.0, errors in not able to find fugue-parent of 5.0.0

see https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/fugue/issues/67/462-of-fugue-parent-not-in-mvn-central

Comments (14)

  1. Neale

    Dependabot is suggesting we move to 5.0.1 and we have this problem for that release too.

    Is anyone going to fix it?

  2. Srđan Šrepfler

    You can freely update the version in this title to 6.x as well. I don’t know who’s doing the releng for fugue but it makes no sense that you’re publishing an artifact without publishing the parent.

    Publishing fugue 6.0.1 and 6.1.0 while publishing ONLY fugue-parent 6.0.0 is chef’s kiss 🧑‍🍳 😘 Just sink fugue-parent 5.0.0 .. 6.0.1 and 6.1.0 between your internal repo and central!

  3. Tom Rijnbeek

    fugue-parent was never a package intended to be published to the Maven repository and shouldn’t be used. You should refer to the projects individually, most likely fugue.

    6.0.0 was a faulty release, which is why it exists in the fugue-parent repository and not elsewhere.

  4. Achim Grimm reporter

    Hi Tom,
    the problem is, that io.atlassian.fugue:fugue references fugue-parent and this blocks the usage.

  5. Achim Grimm reporter

    Example gradle build file

    plugins {
        id("org.springframework.boot") version "3.3.3"
        id("io.spring.dependency-management") version "1.1.6"
    group = "com.example"
    version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
    java {
        toolchain {
            languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(21)
    repositories {
    dependencies {
    //  implementation("io.atlassian.fugue:fugue:4.7.2")
    tasks.withType<Test> {

  6. Srđan Šrepfler

    Hi @Tom Rijnbeek ,

    As Achim correctly points out, you’ve implicitly publishing parent as it’s part of the artifact pom, this in effect prohibits using the library directly for organisations that don’t have Atlassian in their allowed repository list (for orgs that use proxies).

  7. Neale Upstone

    @Tom Rijnbeek. There’s no point in publishing the library to Maven Central then. Come on, this is not what we expect of Atlassian.

  8. Neale Upstone

    If this is not going to be fixed, then can you update the Readme, as right now it implies that simply adding:


    will work.

  9. Tom Rijnbeek

    Apologies for the late response, I’ve been OOO lately.

    I’ve mirrored this issue in our internal backlog. The team’s been busy recently with unblocking some critical launches, but we’ll investigate to see what the right settings are for these Maven artifacts. We’re reviewing some of the publishing processes internally, so this may just have been caught in the middle of that.

  10. Srđan Šrepfler

    As a paying Atlassian customer I and an open source contributor to a maven plugin that uses your Java Jira REST API client I appreciate it.

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