Unable to compile locally

Issue #8 resolved
Bilal Ather created an issue


I’m trying to modify this project but I am unable to get it to compile locally. When I initially ran gulp locally I was getting this error: error TS2689: Cannot extend an interface 'NodeJS.EventEmitter'. Did you mean 'implements'? which was an error from commander. I found this https://github.com/tj/commander.js/issues/787. and ran this

npm install commander
npm install --save-dev @types/node

but I’m still getting this error. I’ve also printed out my node version and gulp version.

➜  openapi-diff git:(master) ✗ gulp
[13:35:53] Using gulpfile ~/projects/openapi-diff/gulpfile.js
[13:35:53] Starting 'default'...
[13:35:53] Starting 'lintCommits'...
[13:35:53] Starting 'cleanBuildOutput'...
[13:35:53] Finished 'cleanBuildOutput' after 34 ms
[13:35:53] Starting 'copyBuildOutputPackageJson'...
[13:35:53] Starting 'compileBuildOutput'...
[13:35:53] Finished 'copyBuildOutputPackageJson' after 100 ms
/Users/bilal.ather/projects/openapi-diff/node_modules/commander/typings/index.d.ts(26,25): error TS2689: Cannot extend an interface 'NodeJS.EventEmitter'. Did you mean 'implements'?
TypeScript: 1 semantic error
TypeScript: emit succeeded (with errors)
[13:35:59] 'compileBuildOutput' errored after 6.13 s
[13:35:59] Error: TypeScript: Compilation failed
    at Output.mightFinish (/Users/bilal.ather/projects/openapi-diff/node_modules/gulp-typescript/release/output.js:130:43)
    at /Users/bilal.ather/projects/openapi-diff/node_modules/gulp-typescript/release/output.js:43:22
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
[13:35:59] 'default' errored after 6.17 s
[13:35:59] The following tasks did not complete: lintCommits
[13:35:59] Did you forget to signal async completion?
➜  openapi-diff git:(master) ✗ npm -v
➜  openapi-diff git:(master) ✗ gulp -v
CLI version: 2.2.0
Local version: 4.0.2

I would appreciate any help or guidance.


Comments (2)

  1. Ben Sayers

    Thanks for making us aware of this @Bilal Ather . The issue should be resolved now, please let me know if it is not.

    As this was an internal dev issue and did not impact public facing node module, I will not cut a new release for this change.

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