Need more detailed CPU information

Issue #10 new
Sherif Abdelfattah created an issue

The tool doesn't show if the thread is actually running or sleeping from the OS perspective. Adding this would be handy to see which threads are actually running. The thread dump runnable status doesn't mean that the thread is actually running.

Also I noticed we don't log threads that are executing in Native context like C1 and C2 Compiler threads, GC task threads, and the like. This is very needed as now we don't have complete information compared to what we used to have from top or process explorer.

Comments (3)

  1. Dave C Account Deactivated

    For now, switching over to having top as the default reporter given the tool is missing some crucial information in mbeancpuusage. Released in 1.0.3, however will leave this open for the other reporter (which windows will end up using as no top)

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