GUI performs a disk speed test against Jira Home instead of Index

Issue #7 new
David Chan created an issue

GUI results:

2018-09-21 08:23:04
Directory tested: /Users/dchan/atlassian/jira767/jira-home
│ TOTALS                                         │
│ stat   │ avg     │ median  │ tmin    │ tmax    │
│ open   │ 69,208  │ 65,675  │ 25,472  │ 197,304 │
│ r/w    │ 46,040  │ 44,697  │ 26,736  │ 205,311 │
│ close  │ 75,782  │ 58,891  │ 37,340  │ 580,101 │
│ delete │ 212,535 │ 207,902 │ 102,751 │ 428,803 │
All times are in nanoseconds.
  • Notice: Directory tested: /Users/dchan/atlassian/jira767/jira-home

The disk speed test should be performed against the index as detailed by the documentation:

This is important as the index is the location where we must ensure disk performance. The rest of Jira home does not need to be as performant.