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platform-module-usage / atlassian-event




Symbol Description
❗️ Unofficial module release
x.y ⁿⁿⁿⁿ⁻ⁿⁿ⁻ⁿⁿ Product version with the end of active maintenance date for current releases and official EOL date for old releases

Module usage in current releases

Version Bamboo Confluence Crowd FeCru Jira RefApp Bitbucket Server
6.0.0 master, 10.0 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁸⁻²⁰ master, 9.0 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁷⁻³⁰ master, 6.0 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁷⁻⁰⁴ - master, 10.0 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁸⁻²² master master, 9.2 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁹⁻²³
5.1.0 9.6 (ER) ²⁰²⁶⁻⁰³⁻¹³ - - - - - 8.19 (ER) ²⁰²⁶⁻⁰³⁻¹¹
5.0.2 9.2 (ER) ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰²⁻⁰⁵ 8.5 (ER) ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁸⁻²⁰ - - 9.12 (ER) ²⁰²⁵⁻¹¹⁻²⁸ - -
5.0.1 - - - - 9.4 (ER) ²⁰²⁴⁻¹¹⁻¹⁴ - 8.9 (ER) ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁴⁻¹⁰
4.1.2 - 7.19 (ER) ²⁰²⁴⁻¹²⁻¹³ - - - - -
3.1.7 - - - master, 4.8 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰³⁻⁰⁷ - - -

Module usage in old releases

Version Bamboo Confluence Crowd FeCru Jira RefApp Bitbucket Server
6.0.0 - - - - - - 9.1 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁸⁻²⁶, 9.0 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁷⁻²²
5.1.0 - 8.9 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁴⁻⁰¹, 8.8 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰²⁻⁰⁷ 5.3 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁴⁻¹² - 9.17 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁶⁻²⁶, 9.16 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁵⁻²³, 9.15 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁵⁻⁰² - 8.18 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰²⁻⁰⁴
5.0.2 9.5 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰¹⁻²¹, 9.4 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹⁰⁻²⁴, 9.3 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁵⁻³⁰ 8.7 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹²⁻⁰⁴, 8.6 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹⁰⁻⁰³, 8.4 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁷⁻⁰⁴ 5.2 ²⁰²⁴⁻⁰⁹⁻²⁷, 5.1 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹¹⁻¹⁶ - 9.14 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰²⁻¹³, 9.13 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰¹⁻²¹, 9.11 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁸⁻²⁹ - 8.17 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰¹⁻⁰⁷, 8.16 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹¹⁻²⁶, 8.15 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹⁰⁻²²
5.0.1 9.1 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹²⁻¹² 8.3 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁵⁻²¹, 8.2 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰³⁻²⁷, 8.1 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰²⁻¹², 8.0 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹¹⁻²⁷ - - 9.10 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁷⁻¹⁰, 9.9 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁶⁻⁰¹, 9.8 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁴⁻²⁴, 9.7 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰³⁻¹⁹, 9.6 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰¹⁻²³, 9.5 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹²⁻⁰⁵, 9.3 ²⁰²⁴⁻⁰⁹⁻²⁷ - 8.14 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁹⁻¹⁷, 8.13 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁸⁻¹³, 8.12 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁷⁻¹⁰, 8.11 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁶⁻⁰⁴, 8.10 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰⁴⁻²⁹, 8.8 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰²⁻⁰⁴, 8.7 ²⁰²⁵⁻⁰¹⁻⁰⁸, 8.6 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹¹⁻¹², 8.5 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹⁰⁻⁰⁸
4.1.2 - 7.20 ²⁰²⁴⁻¹⁰⁻⁰² - - - - -

