Bump Pact-jvm version to cater for Scala 2.12

Issue #73 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Hi, pact-jvm (version 3.5.5) has been update to cater for Scala 2.12. Is there a schedule for updating the swagger-request-validator to use this new version?


Comments (7)

  1. James Navin

    Hi Andrew - I dont have a schedule yet but am expecting to get time to do some work on this project this month so will try to address it then.

    In the meantime though, if you'd like to raise a PR Id be happy to review it.


  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hi James, How do I get access to push to a branch on this repo? I currently get an access denied when trying to push to a branch.

  3. James Navin

    Hi Andrew,

    The easiest way would be to fork the repository into your own account and do the change on a branch there. Then you can raise a PR back to this repository.


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