Display Pull Request Comments Inside of Diff Screen

Issue #140 closed
Nathan Wilson created an issue

Currently, viewing a pull request inside of VS code will place a flag on a file that has comments on the code inside of it, but will not display what the comments are. Being able to see, reply to, edit and delete comments in the code is a critical part of what we use Bitbucket for, and the presence or lack of this feature will be what actually determines if we can use this extension for Pull Requests or not.

Comments (5)

  1. Luke Scott

    I can see the comments in the PR code view. But the PR code view seems to be read-only. There doesn’t seem to be a way to jump to a code view where I can address the issue. You have to manually find the file in VSCode’s file explorer.

    From a reviewers perspective this works out great. But for the person opening the PR there needs to be an easier way to edit the files / address the issue. Even if it’s a “edit this file” option. It would be even better to be able to see the comments in the fully functional editor.

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    You should be able to view and add comments in the pull request diff view. Note that we are using VS Code’s experimental API, so there may be a few bugs with it.

    Can you update to version 1.4.0 of the extension and VS Code to 1.34 above and try again?

  3. Nathan Wilson reporter

    Last week, when I had made this, I was not seeing any comments - however, when I logged in today, VS Code had an update for me (1.3.4) and after checking again, I was able to see comments in the PR.

    To @lukescott ‘s point, I wholeheartedly agree that being able to make editing the files easier by removing some of the steps between viewing the PR and making a change would be wonderful. I don’t think I would expect to be able to directly edit PR code files in the diff. It would be nice, but at the same time, it is essentially a direct view of a remote repo at that point. Things could get weird fast. However, I totally agree that an ‘edit this file’ button would be fantastic.

  4. Alastair Wilkes

    As Pramod noted, comments are now supported. However, the ability to jump directly into an editor is a valid request. To prevent confusion, I'm closing this issue and have opened #192 to log that request. Thanks!

  5. Alastair Wilkes

    FYI @Luke Scott and @Nathan Wilson -- I know this issue is from a while ago, but I wanted to let you know that you can now edit files from the diff view via a button in the toolbar (and in the right-click menu). Thanks!

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