Ability to navigate from the PR diff view to the editor to make changes

Issue #192 resolved
Alastair Wilkes created an issue

From the comments on #140:

I can see the comments in the PR code view. But the PR code view seems to be read-only. There doesn’t seem to be a way to jump to a code view where I can address the issue. You have to manually find the file in VSCode’s file explorer.
From a reviewers perspective this works out great. But for the person opening the PR there needs to be an easier way to edit the files / address the issue. Even if it’s a “edit this file” option. It would be even better to be able to see the comments in the fully functional editor.

To @lukescott ‘s point, I wholeheartedly agree that being able to make editing the files easier by removing some of the steps between viewing the PR and making a change would be wonderful. I don’t think I would expect to be able to directly edit PR code files in the diff. It would be nice, but at the same time, it is essentially a direct view of a remote repo at that point. Things could get weird fast. However, I totally agree that an ‘edit this file’ button would be fantastic.

Comments (5)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Version 2.4.0 of the extension adds a context menu and action toolbar item in diff view to checkout the pull request source branch and open the file for editing in a new tab.

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