Custom template for branch name in settings

Issue #151 duplicate
Тимофей Кукушкин created an issue

In our company branch name equals to issue key without any other text. Perhaps it would be convenient to set name template in the settings.

Comments (7)

  1. Тимофей Кукушкин reporter

    In our company branch name equals to issue key without any other text. Perhaps it would be convenient to set name template in the settings.

  2. Tony Mann

    Any update on this? I love the Start Work feature but am getting very tired of deleting all the extra branch name text and adding “feature/” to the front.

  3. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    Tony, do you have a branch workflow setup in Bitbucket? Also, are you using cloud or server?

    With a branch workflow setup in Bitbucket, the UI should allow you to select which kind of branch it is and add the prefix for you.

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