Start work on issue feature branches should be able to be prefixed - Non-Bitbucket Git

Issue #162 resolved
Eric Stewart created an issue

Kind of a duplicate of Issue #158

Ideally, the user should be able to specify in the settings a branch prefix like feature/ to prevent pollution of the root branch names. For users not using Bitbucket as their git provider this would be extremely helpful to have available as a setting.

Comments (16)

  1. Alex Sayle Account Deactivated

    +1 to this feature. we follow a standard naming of branches: (feature|hotix|…)/{JIRA-TICKET}-{feature-name} and the ability to be able to set a default prefix or a list of prefixes would drive adoption of the plugin.

  2. Marco Koeppel

    Alternatively i’d already be happy if the automatically created branch name would be editable or just plain text so i can modify it manually.

    Thank you!

  3. Alastair Wilkes

    As of 2.0.0, you can now edit the branch name.

    However, we're leaving this open as the main request here is for templates.

  4. Tony Mann

    Any update on this? I love the Start Work feature but am getting very tired of deleting all the extra branch name text and adding “feature/” to the front.

  5. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Branch template for start work webview can be configured in the extension settings under Jira -> Start Work section.

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