Can not login into Bitbucket Cloud and No Bitbucket Repositories Found

Issue #213 resolved
Ayushka Partohap created an issue

This is to reopen issues #21 and its duplicate #64. The issue is marked as resolved but there are some of us still experiencing this issue. @Farias Mauricio @{557058:3f49594c-3d49-455a-be05-e9fd527ad440} @Sajan Gurung

In my case, I am already in a project with git remote -v having Bitbucket repository as origin. But the PR explorer still shows No authenticated Bitbucket repositories found. Also a friend of mine can open his PR explorer fine, but his status line at the bottom still says Sign in to Bitbucket

Atlascode: 2.0.0


Version: 1.38.1
Commit: b37e54c98e1a74ba89e03073e5a3761284e3ffb0
Date: 2019-09-11T13:31:32.854Z
Electron: 4.2.10
Chrome: 69.0.3497.128
Node.js: 10.11.0
V8: 6.9.427.31-electron.0
OS: Darwin x64 18.7.0

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan Mueller

    is #69 related to it?

    I’m logged in but it doesn’t show any Bitbucket Server content, it says only

    No authenticated Bitbucket repositories found.

    Please make sure you have a project open that was cloned from Bitbucket.

    You can check open repositories in Source Control Pane (CTR+Shif+G).


    No source control provider registered.

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