Unable to add some reviewers to a Pull Request

Issue #242 resolved
Dan Halson created an issue
  • Mac OS X 10.14.5
  • VSCode: 1.39.1
  • Atlassian for VS Code: 2.1.1

When creating a Pull Request I’m unable to add reviewers. The following error is logged to the Output pane:

Error: error fetching reviewers: [object Object]

Additionally an error about an Invalid filter query expression is displayed in the UI:

Comments (31)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Version 2.1.2 fixes this. Please re-open if you are still seeing any issues.

  2. Dan Halson Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks, unfortunately I’m still not seeing users, though the error is no longer being logged.

  3. Alastair Wilkes

    Hi Dan,

    Right now, the reviewers search box will only return results on full matches, so you'll need to input the user's full name for them to show up in the list to be selected. Can you give that a try, and let us know if it works? We'll update the search tooltip to make this clearer.

    We'd like to add support for partial matches (like how it works on bitbucket.org) in the future, but unfortunately there’s not a simple fix due to API limitations. We are working with the Bitbucket team to find a solution.

    (Additionally, if the repository had default reviewers configured, they should be prepopulated.)


  4. Former user Account Deleted

    @Alastair Wilkes thanks for pointing out that an exact match is required. I thought reviewer search was broken. The placeholder text should be updated to reflect the necessity. Currently it states "Start typing bitbucket username to search for reviewers". The "Start typing" part implies that it should return results on a partial match. If the placeholder text were more specific, people may be less likely to think this is broken.

    I do very much look forward to searching for partial matches in the future. Thank you for the great work on the extension.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    I see the text has been updated, thank you for that, it's much clearer now. There is still one more related issue for me. And that is that there's one member of our team who I cannot add as a reviewer from the plugin, despite typing their name in full. The name is "Matthew Dunne". Not sure if there's some weird edge case with their name, or if something about their profile makes them not retrievable by your external API. But I can add anyone but him as a reviewer using the plugin.

    I have no issues adding him as a reviewer through the web interface.

    Edit: There are actually a few people I cannot add as reviewers, despite writing their full name. Are there any known edge cases here? Or is there a name other than the one that is displayed that I might have to use? Like some sort of username?

  6. Dan Halson Account Deactivated reporter

    @Alastair Wilkes Apologies for my slow reply, have been on leave. Ah, I also wasn’t aware that partial matches weren’t supported, and having tried a full match now can see it works correctly (thanks also for the clarifying text re partial matches).

  7. Alastair Wilkes

    @{557058:9a3c7cbf-f2f2-488e-ad02-489668a299b0} -- no worries! Sure thing.

    @{5d078693ac9cfa0bc6eeaeb5} -- we refreshed your team's mention data. Can you let us know if you're still experiencing issues? Thanks!

  8. Tim Logemann

    I am also unable to add any of my team members to a pull request even though I’m using exact matches. I have tried full name of the person as well as full username, neither of them work.
    I hope the Bitbucket team can soon allow for partial matches in their external api.

  9. Perry Stephenson

    I’m experiencing this issue as well. I can search for a small number of users, but the majority cannot be searched for nor selected.

  10. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Perry Stephenson @Scott Babineaux @{5e5d1f3e4298990c97e03590} I opened a new issue to track the new errors https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/atlascode/issues/415/error-when-adding-pull-request-reviewers

    • Could you comment on on the issue letting us know if you are using Bitbucket Cloud or server instance?
    • Could you also set the output level to debug and enable curl logging in the in General section of the extension settings and see if any error show up in VS Code's output pane for those failing requests?
  11. Tankarchist Posadist

    I’ve added two people on my team and neither one of them show up in the reviewers list, whether I use their name or their e-mail address.

  12. Former user Account Deleted

    Same problem.
    The reviewers search box don’t return results. I’m still Unable to add some reviewers to a Pull Request.

    VSCode: 1.57.1
    Jira And Bitbucket: 2.9.0
    Windows 10

  13. Rodolfo Duldulao

    Same issue. When I look at the Team page i can see the team mate I need to add as reviewer but she never comes out of the reviewer list even if I type her whole name in it.

  14. Keliomer Castillo

    @dulds We started seeing this today on one repo out of like 60. If you’re using group access remove then re-add the group, the developers in the group should show up after the re-add. I assume the same thing works for an individual.

  15. Steven Zaharakis

    Hi, this is happening to us. Honestly, thinking of switching off of Bitbucket. This bug has been around since 2018 from my searches and not been resolved!

  16. Andy Hoebeke Account Deactivated

    Same here, happening to us as well. No idea what issue could be the cause

  17. Nicolai Haastrup Knudsen

    I have the same problem as @Abhishek Natani has mentioned.

    Current system:
    Version: 1.70.2
    Commit: e4503b30fc78200f846c62cf8091b76ff5547662
    Date: 2022-08-16T05:36:25.715Z
    Electron: 18.3.5
    Chromium: 100.0.4896.160
    Node.js: 16.13.2
    OS: Linux x64 5.4.0-124-generic

  18. David Robinson Account Deactivated

    I am also trying to add a user and using their full name. I can’t seem to find any reason why some developers show up while others do not.

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