Error when adding pull request reviewers (Something went wrong - Forbidden)

Issue #415 resolved
Pramod Busam created an issue

Comments (13)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated reporter

    @Scott Babineaux Look for the log line with the error in the curl logs and paste the curl command above that line here (it should have the URL that the extension is trying to connect to). Please redact any authorization tokens or other personal information from the headers before adding it here.

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated reporter

    @Scott Babineaux Couple of questions:

    • Could you check if you have write access to the target repository of the pull request being created?
    • Are you creating a pull request from a fork to an upstream repo?
  3. Scott Babineaux

    I so have write access to the target repo. The PR is on a feature branch back to the master branch.

  4. Hugo Pastor

    I just want to jump in and say that I have the exact same issue under the exact same scenario (write access, feature branch, using full reviewer name, still getting the "Forbidden" error)

  5. Nili Nevo

    I haven’t been able to add reviewers by name (even full name) for the past ~week, happens to a co-worker as well. the drop down menu stays empty

  6. Justin Wagner

    I’m using the extension version 2.9.1 and I’m also getting an error any time I try to create a PR with reviewers in it. Once the PR is created, I am then able to add reviewers from that view, but not in the initial view where the PR is originally created. Did this popup again for people, or perhaps is it something related to my setup? We are using an internally hosted Bitbucket server.

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