Can't add Custon Jira Site

Issue #263 open
GastónM created an issue

When trying to add our Jira Server under “Add Custom Jira Site” We get the following error :

Authientication Error
Error Authenticating with Jira: Error: Request failed with stauts code 401

We checked with local admins and the user has access both to app and API requests.

Comments (10)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @GastónM Is the Jira instance using SAML for authentication? If so, follow the instructions mentioned in and let us know if that helps.

    Otherwise, you can try the following to help debug the issue:

    • Do a basic auth request using an authorization header as described in using command line. Do you get the same 401 error?
    • You can also enable the extension's curl logging for debugging. Preferences: Open Settings (UI) from command palette to open the settings, and search for atlascode.enableCurlLogging. Let us know if you see any errors in VS Code developer tools' console tab (Developer: Toggle Developer Tools from command palette) when you try to log in.
  2. CyrilBesse

    I have the same behaviour.

    If it can help: In my company, we have a Bitbucket and a Jira connected via http connected to a same LDAP.

    I have no problem with the Bitbucket login but this problem with Jira. I suspect a problem due to some special characters in my password ?

  3. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @CyrilBesse Can you tell us the special characters you suspect are causing the issue?

  4. CyrilBesse

    I suspect : & ‘ Now my password could contain (azerty French keyboard): & é “ ‘ ( - è _ ç à

    Note: I have no problem with a web browser

    Regards Cyril


    Envoyé : mercredi 26 février 2020 16:30 À : BESSE Cyril Objet : Re: [Bitbucket] Issue #263: Can't add Custon Jira Site (atlassianlabs/atlascode)

    [Jonathan Doklovic]

    Jonathan Doklovic commented on issue #263:

    Can't add Custon Jira Site

    @CyrilBesse Can you tell us the special characters you suspect are causing the issue?

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  5. Febrin Yessy Manalu

    Something went wrong

    Authorization did not complete in the time alotted.
    Please try again.

    Please help to login Jira Cloud.

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