Queries in Bitbucket not the same in VS Code

Issue #271 resolved
Kieron Bramley created an issue

When running a query in Bitbucket the results differ from whats in VS Code.

I believe the issue is to do with subtasks, if for example I have an issue with 4 subtasks for example -

Main Issue:

Subtask A - Done

Subtask B - Done

Subtask C - Done

Subtask D - To Do

If 3 of those are in the category “Done” & 1 of those is “To Do”, my query is the following -

assignee = currentUser() AND statusCategory = "To Do"

In Jira it is returning Only -

Main Issue:

Subtask D

Whereas VS Code returns -

Main Issue:

Subtask A - Done

Subtask B - Done

Subtask C - Done

Subtask D - To Do

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