Feature to see and review pull requests of parent repository

Issue #344 resolved
Pankaj Prakash created an issue

I forked main repository and working on the clone of it. Also I have the write privilege of the main repository. But in the VSCode extension I cannot see/review the PR’s of the parent repository.

I request you feature to review, approve and merge PR’s from parent repository. If the work is in progress please let me know. Sorry if I am posting a duplicate requirement.

Comments (4)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Pankaj Prakash You can clone the parent repo and add that folder to your VS Code workspace which will show the clone and parent folders separately in the pull request view. Creating pull requests from fork to parent is supported already. Let us know if that works.

    We are working on improving the support for forks (#161). Could you answer a couple of questions to help us?

    • Do you have pull requests for both the fork and parent simultaneously?
    • Would it be ok if the extension showed just the pull requests of parent repository instead of fork?
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