Allow issue custom fields display

Issue #47 resolved

We use some custom fields really helpful for issues like "Step to reproduce", "App version", etc...

Is there a way to display them in issue screen under description?

Comments (9)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @mikaoelitiana We support any custom field that was created using the built-in Jira field types. (input, textarea, select, etc)

    Unfortunately we haven't found a way to support custom fields contributed by Jira addons since they are essentially a black box when it comes to rendering them. Even if an addon just renders a simple input box, our extension has no visibility into that. We are investigating ways to get around this.

    Do you know if the fields in question are contributed by an addon?

  2. James Fryer Account Deactivated

    @brainicorn I have a similar issue, the custom field shows up in the Create Issue view, but not when viewing an issue.

    This is the configuration of the custom field in Jira:

    This is a manually configured custom field.

    It shows up when you create an issue in VSCode using the extension:

    But it doesn’t show up when viewing tickets:

    And I can verify in Jira that this task does have the custom fields in use. Also Story Points shows up when creating but not here.

  3. ANDRIANARIJAONA MIKA Account Deactivated reporter

    @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} unfortunately I don’t know if this is a custom field from a module or not.

  4. Kelly Truter

    I have the same issue as James above where the create issue shows my custom fields but the view screen does not.

  5. Alastair Wilkes

    As of version 2.0.0, the view issue screen now displays more custom fields. Please try the latest version to see if that fixes your issue.

    However, @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754}'s comment above still stands; some fields may still not be displayed.

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