VsCode ATLASSIAN Bitbucket Pull Request - Details view is empty after adding comment through extensions

Issue #659 new
Paul Dudek created an issue

Initial I could read and add everything. After adding a comment through your extension, the view disappeared and won’t come back, even after restart.

Comments (5)

  1. Paul Dudek reporter

    Oh and I am running windows 10 and VsCode 1.61.2. The OUTPUT throw this error:
    [2021-11-02 08:56:35:805] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic *******" "https://*****.de/rest/mirroring/1.0/mirrorServers?limit=100" [2021-11-02 08:56:35:806] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [2021-11-02 08:56:35:923] Error getting URL: https://*****.de/rest/mirroring/1.0/mirrorServers?limit=100  Error: Request failed with status code 409

  2. Ian Chamberlain Account Deactivated

    Also experiencing on extension version 2.10.0 – I am guessing something changed there, but I don't see anything in the changelog that looks suspicious regarding the PR detail view...

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