Visual Studio Code doesn't allow password input and show authentication error immediately

Issue #663 new
Dorra Chaari created an issue

When using Bitbucket in VSC , for push and pull actions it doesn’t give me the input to write my password but shows immediately authentification error modal. Whan using git push and git pull with command line it works but in VSC it doesn’t.

Official response

  • Nick Rundquist

    Thank you all for your responses. Looking into things it sounds like you might be encountering this bug in VS Code. It looks like they’ve been trying to fix it for the past few point releases and there should be a version 1.62.3 coming out soon with another attempt at fixing it. Hopefully that will resolve the issue. If you continue to see the issue after that bug is closed I’ll continue to investigate.

Comments (28)

  1. Nick Rundquist


    I’m looking into this issue now and I have a couple of questions I’m hoping some of you can help me out with.

    • What version of Ubuntu are you using? (Is anyone seeing this issue not using Ubuntu?)
    • Does the issue only impact git operations or are other Bitbucket operations (i.e. viewing pull requests) affected?
    • Do you happen to remember updating anything (VS Code or something in Ubuntu) before the failures started happening?
    • How do you authenticate with git, do you use credentials or do you have an ssh key set up?

  2. Vitor Sandy Pupo
    • What version of Ubuntu are you using? (Is anyone seeing this issue not using Ubuntu?) - I’m using Manjaro
    • Does the issue only impact git operations or are other Bitbucket operations (i.e. viewing pull requests) affected? - Only operations which needs to authenticate first (i.e. push, pull)
    • Do you happen to remember updating anything (VS Code or something in Ubuntu) before the failures started happening? - Just updated VS Code yesterday but werent having this issue
    • How do you authenticate with git, do you use credentials or do you have an ssh key set up? - I use my credentials to authenticate

  3. Dorra Chaari reporter
    • What version of Ubuntu are you using? (Is anyone seeing this issue not using Ubuntu?) - I’m using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

      Does the issue only impact git operations or are other Bitbucket operations (i.e. viewing pull requests) affected? - Only operations which needs to authenticate first (i.e. push, pull), and I get authenticated when I use these commands in the terminal directly but not through VSC

      Do you happen to remember updating anything (VS Code or something in Ubuntu) before the failures started happening? - No I didn’t update anything

      How do you authenticate with git, do you use credentials or do you have an ssh key set up? - I use my credentials to authenticate

  4. Caue Pievetti Vasques
    • What version of Ubuntu are you using? (Is anyone seeing this issue not using Ubuntu?) - I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

      Does the issue only impact git operations or are other Bitbucket operations (i.e. viewing pull requests) affected? - Only operations which needs to authenticate first (i.e. push, pull)

      Do you happen to remember updating anything (VS Code or something in Ubuntu) before the failures started happening? - No I didn’t update anything

      How do you authenticate with git, do you use credentials or do you have an ssh key set up? - I use my credentials to authenticate

  5. Andrija Durutovic
    • What version of Ubuntu are you using? (Is anyone seeing this issue not using Ubuntu?) - I’m using Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

      Does the issue only impact git operations or are other Bitbucket operations (i.e. viewing pull requests) affected? - Only operations which needs to authenticate first (i.e. push, pull)

      Do you happen to remember updating anything (VS Code or something in Ubuntu) before the failures started happening? - VSC updated automatically

  6. Jagrit Nokwal

    I am using fedora 35 with Gnome version 41.1

    operations that need to authenticate first (i.e. push, pull)

    vscode downloaded from the snap store

    I use my credentials to authenticate

  7. Bernardo Baptista
    • What version of Ubuntu are you using? (Is anyone seeing this issue not using Ubuntu?) Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
    • Does the issue only impact git operations or are other Bitbucket operations (i.e. viewing pull requests) affected? Only operations which needs to authenticate first (i.e. push, pull)
    • Do you happen to remember updating anything (VS Code or something in Ubuntu) before the failures started happening? As far as I remember I did not update anything but cannot be certain
    • How do you authenticate with git, do you use credentials or do you have an ssh key set up? Credentials

  8. Nick Rundquist

    Thank you all for your responses. Looking into things it sounds like you might be encountering this bug in VS Code. It looks like they’ve been trying to fix it for the past few point releases and there should be a version 1.62.3 coming out soon with another attempt at fixing it. Hopefully that will resolve the issue. If you continue to see the issue after that bug is closed I’ll continue to investigate.

  9. Sean Little
    • What version of Ubuntu are you using? (Is anyone seeing this issue not using Ubuntu?) I’m using Ubuntu 20.04
    • Does the issue only impact git operations or are other Bitbucket operations (i.e. viewing pull requests) affected? Only git operations, I can see pull requests and everything else.
    • Do you happen to remember updating anything (VS Code or something in Ubuntu) before the failures started happening? Only the regular Ubuntu updates, nothing to do with VSCode
    • How do you authenticate with git, do you use credentials or do you have an ssh key set up? When using SSH I can only pull, no pushing. I use the credentials when I need to push

  10. Vitor Sandy Pupo

    Version 1.62.3 was released a few days ago, has this issue resolved with that update? - Yep, the update resolved the issue, at least for me

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