Error fetching pull request details from Bitbucket

Issue #803 new
Trent Callan created an issue

When fetching pull request details from a Bitbucket server instance (v8.6.1) I get an error. Nothing is reported in the developer tools. Authentication is correct as the open pull requests are shown but once selected the extension fails to retrieve the details.

Bitbuccket Server v8.6.1

VSCode Atlassian Extension v2.10.0 - 3.0.1

VSCode v1.74.3

OS: Windows with WSL remotes

Comments (13)

  1. Trent Callan reporter

    Heres the error When retrieving Pull request details

    "Tasks are now managed using Comments with BLOCKER severity. Use /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/pull-requests/{pullRequestId}/blocker-comments?count=true instead."

  2. Rob Seaver

    This is kind of a duplicate of this ticket, which has been ignored for months :( atlassianlabs / atlascode / issues / #756 - Error on Pull Request creation and browsing — Bitbucket

    The frustrating part of this is that they’ve released patches since the issue was first reported, but seem to be ignoring this issue, which has numerous people completely unable to use the extension.

    It might be helpful to change the priority of this bug to “Blocker” as there are reports from numerous people (see referenced ticket) for whom the extension is completely unusable for pull requests.

  3. Trent Callan reporter

    Yeah i dont see how they wouldnt see this as a major issue. Without PR support the development cycle is broken. Sure i can do PR reviews on the web but since the point of the plugin is to allow the entire Jira - bitbucket-merge dev cycle in editor this seems like a big deal. These api changes were made a long time ago too. Id fix it myself if theyd accept a PR. I might just fork it and fix it myself until then. If i do this ill update #756.

    Also feel free to delete this as duplicate since #756 seems to cover this issue.

  4. Rob Seaver

    I don’t think I have the ability to delete it, but maybe they’ll pay more attention if there are two tickets with the same thing. I actually tried forking and tweaking it myself, and made some progress, but it’s more than just changing the url to /blocker-commments. That gets the PR’s displaying correctly in the left-hand pane, but there are still failures when pulling up the details in the main window. Unfortunately, my real job prevented me from getting too wrapped up in the effort.

  5. Brad Severs

    I’m having this same issue connecting to my company’s self-hosted Bitbucket Server instance:


    Extension: v3.0.4

    Bitbucket Server: v8.9.0

    VS Code details:

    Version: 1.81.0 (user setup)
    Commit: 6445d93c81ebe42c4cbd7a60712e0b17d9463e97
    Date: 2023-08-02T12:37:13.485Z
    Electron: 22.3.18
    ElectronBuildId: 22689846
    Chromium: 108.0.5359.215
    Node.js: 16.17.1
    OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22621

    Error Output

    This is shown when refreshing list of open PRs. Log output level set to debug.

    For privacy I redacted a few fields:

    • base url replaced with <baseURL>
    • username replaced with <user>
    • repository name replaced with <repo>
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:552] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:552] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Conte<repo>nt-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic <removed>" "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests?markup=true&avatarSize=64&username.1=<user>" 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:552] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:567] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:567] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic <removed>" "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests?markup=true&avatarSize=64" 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:567] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic <removed>" "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests/5/diff?markup=true&avatarSize=64" 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic <removed>" "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests/5/commits?markup=true&avatarSize=64" 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic <removed>" "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests/5/activities?markup=true&avatarSize=64" 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic <removed>" "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests/5/tasks" 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:730] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:906] Error getting URL: https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests/5/tasks  [object Object]
    [2023-08-08 15:27:36:906] error fetching pull request details [object Object]
    [2023-08-08 15:31:35:052] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    [2023-08-08 15:31:35:052] curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic <removed>" "https://<baseURL>/rest/api/1.0/projects/firm/repos/<repo>/pull-requests?markup=true&avatarSize=64&username.1=<user>" 
    [2023-08-08 15:31:35:052] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 

  6. Jeremy Fiel

    hey @Brad Severs you should edit your post and remove the Basic authorization. it’s easily decoded.

  7. Carel Combrink

    Also seeing this, plugin is unusable
    We are using Atlassian Bitbucket v8.9.7 on prem (would guess Data Center)

  8. Alex Khvolis

    Same issue for me:
    Tasks are now managed using Comments with BLOCKER severity
    atlassian.atlascode - `v3.0.10`
    Atlassian Bitbucket v8.9.10

    any nes about this issue? this ticket is open for a while aready

  9. Asaf Merschon

    I just ran into the same issue. My Jira and Bitbucket (Atlassian Labs) plugin version is v3.0.10.
    We’re on a self hosted server v8.8.1.

    The error information displayed is:

    Something went wrong
    message:"Tasks are now managed using Comments with BLOCKER severity. Use /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/pull-requests/{pullRequestId}/blocker-comments?count=true instead."

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