Deployment to Bamboo 5.3 server fails with UPM error

Issue #27 invalid
DanaC created an issue

I setup 2 deployment environment on 1 of 2 bamboo servers.. The tasks run on #1 and push my plugin to both servers #1 and #2..

Both are running 5.3 under linux,

#1->#2 fails with the UPM error #1->#1 pointing at its external URL (not localhost) works.

13-Feb-2014 12:05:53 Starting plugin deployment task (v. 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT) 13-Feb-2014 12:05:53 SSL Certificate check: enabled 13-Feb-2014 12:05:53 Product login success! 13-Feb-2014 12:05:53 UPM Token Header missing from response. 13-Feb-2014 12:05:53 UPM Token Header missing from response. 13-Feb-2014 12:05:53 Finished task 'Deploy Bamboo Plugin'

Comments (3)

  1. DanaC reporter

    This is not a bug in that the UPM Token is correctly passed, once the correct credentials are used..

    However I may open another ticket, because the log was saying "Product login success!", but the credentials we not correct, so it should have said it failed login.

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