Doesn't work when using bamboo specs

Issue #56 duplicate
eXtensi Technical Account created an issue

Steps to reproduce 1. Create a deployment environment configuration including Continuous Plugin Deployment task 2. Run it from Bamboo UI - that will work 3. Export deployment project to Java Specs 4. Run code without modification using mvn -Ppublish-specs 5. Run deployment project from the UI again 6. It will fail

Starting task 'Deploy ABF' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.deploy.continuous-plugin-deployment:deploy-task'
11-Jan-2018 11:25:48    Unable to find the artifact with id 1179649 in this task's context. Has an artifact subscription been configured for that artifact in this job?
11-Jan-2018 11:25:48    Finished task 'Deploy ABF' with result: Failed

*The reason for that is the jar artifact ID in the generated java code *

new AtlassianModule("com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.deploy.continuous-plugin-deployment:deploy-task")).....

 .put("confDeployJar", "v2:1179649:2:0:abf-jar")


To make it work I need to go to the environment configuration->modify deployment tasks->open Plugin Deploy task and click save. Now running the deployment plan will work. When I regenerate JavaSpecs again I can see the number has been increased

 .put("confDeployJar", "v2:1179649:4:0:abf-jar")

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