Header links unreadable and unchangeable

Issue #28 new
Topicus Atlassian created an issue

Since updating to version: 1.2.1 yesterday our theme/navigation bar is broken.

I checked some things with the inspector and the color of the links in css is

color: var(--aui-appheader-text-color,var(--aui-body-text));

which results in #deebff.

This however is completely unreadable with our yellow menu bar color. There is no way to change this in the Look&Feel interface. I’ve tried different logo’s. Transparent background, colored background. None of it changed a thing.

Can you please add the possibility to change the color of the navigation links/appheader-text-color? This was suggested in 2014 already (https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/stash-look-and-feel-plugin/issues/4/add-header-link-colour-option-to).

Comments (8)

  1. Anton Shaleev

    The issue is happening to all versions of the Look and Feel plugin running on Bitbucket 7.14 and newer.

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