cmd/vidforward: add basic REST API for controlling status of broadcasts

Issue #380 resolved
Saxon Milton created an issue

Initially it was thought that vidforward configuration control could be performed using netsender variables, however, after discussion it was concluded that this would require less than desirable changes to our cloud software, specifically, the allowance to access variables of one site (the one for which the vidforward client would be registered) by all other sites. Instead, we have decided that would could add a basic REST control API to vidfoward. In which case, vidgrind would make API requests to vidforward to update broadcast states.

We would have at least 3 methods i.e. POST, PUT and DELETE. POST would add a new broadcast object (containing mac, rtmp url and active state {active, slate, inactive}). PUT would update a broadcast object (maybe to change state), and DELETE would remove a broadcast object. Conceivably we might have a GET method(s) for different information at a later stage when we make additions to vidgrind.

Vidforward Design Doc

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