revid/senders_test.go: TestMTSSenderSegment fails indeterminately

Issue #413 resolved
Trek Hopton created an issue
TestMTSSenderSegment in revid/senders\\\_test.go fails on circleci sometimes but not others.    
These commits don’t change related code, one fails and the other does not:

* []( - fails
* []( - passes


This is the output when the test fails:

=== RUN   TestMTSSenderSegment
    utils.go:51: debug: setting up mtsSender ( clip duration:"0" )
    utils.go:51: debug: configured for packet based PSI insertion ( count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: configured for h.264 packetisation
    utils.go:36: debug: encoder options applied
    senders_test.go:120: writing packets
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"0" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"0" PMT CC:"0" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"0" PTS:"62999" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"62999" PCR:"0" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"3600" PTS:"66600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"66600" PCR:"3600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"7200" PTS:"70200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"70200" PCR:"7200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"10800" PTS:"73800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"73800" PCR:"10800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"14400" PTS:"77400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"77400" PCR:"14400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"18000" PTS:"81000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"81000" PCR:"18000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"21600" PTS:"84600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"84600" PCR:"21600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"25200" PTS:"88200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"88200" PCR:"25200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"9223372036854775807" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"43995" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"1" PMT CC:"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"28800" PTS:"91800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"91800" PCR:"28800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"98054" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"32400" PTS:"95400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"95400" PCR:"32400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"159895" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"36000" PTS:"99000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"99000" PCR:"36000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"311200" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"39600" PTS:"102600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"102600" PCR:"39600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"401180" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"43200" PTS:"106200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"106200" PCR:"43200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"454724" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"46800" PTS:"109800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"109800" PCR:"46800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"517788" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"50400" PTS:"113400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"113400" PCR:"50400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"571666" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"54000" PTS:"117000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"117000" PCR:"54000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"626340" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"672137" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"32733" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"2" PMT CC:"2" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"57600" PTS:"120600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"120600" PCR:"57600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"80489" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"61200" PTS:"124199" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"124199" PCR:"61200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"158282" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"64800" PTS:"127800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"127800" PCR:"64800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"227075" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"68400" PTS:"131400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"131400" PCR:"68400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"283291" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"72000" PTS:"135000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"135000" PCR:"72000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"344873" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"75600" PTS:"138600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"138600" PCR:"75600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"404607" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"79200" PTS:"142200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"142200" PCR:"79200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"474312" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"82800" PTS:"145800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"145800" PCR:"82800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"554701" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"583071" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"40766" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"3" PMT CC:"3" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"86400" PTS:"149400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"149400" PCR:"86400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"89255" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"90000" PTS:"153000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"153000" PCR:"90000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"396068" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"93600" PTS:"156600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"156600" PCR:"93600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"516470" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"97200" PTS:"160200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"160200" PCR:"97200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"635781" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"100800" PTS:"163800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"163800" PCR:"100800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"730503" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"104400" PTS:"167400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"167400" PCR:"104400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"810352" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"108000" PTS:"171000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"171000" PCR:"108000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"902866" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"111600" PTS:"174600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"174600" PCR:"111600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"1001716" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"1052352" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"44245" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"4" PMT CC:"4" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"115200" PTS:"178200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"178200" PCR:"115200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"177065" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"118800" PTS:"181800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"181800" PCR:"118800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"308666" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"122399" PTS:"185400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"185400" PCR:"122399" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"425060" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"125999" PTS:"189000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"189000" PCR:"125999" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"538427" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"129600" PTS:"192600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"192600" PCR:"129600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"658759" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"133200" PTS:"196200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"196200" PCR:"133200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"786949" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"136800" PTS:"199800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"199800" PCR:"136800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"913368" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"140400" PTS:"203399" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"203399" PCR:"140400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"995250" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"1053764" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"39083" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"5" PMT CC:"5" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"144000" PTS:"206999" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"206999" PCR:"144000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"172240" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"147600" PTS:"210600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"210600" PCR:"147600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"287522" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"151200" PTS:"214200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"214200" PCR:"151200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"392873" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"154800" PTS:"217800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"217800" PCR:"154800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"511964" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"158400" PTS:"221400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"221400" PCR:"158400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"604640" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"162000" PTS:"225000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"225000" PCR:"162000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"700967" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"165600" PTS:"228600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"228600" PCR:"165600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"820152" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"169200" PTS:"232200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"232200" PCR:"169200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"930441" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"1004224" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"31587" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"6" PMT CC:"6" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"172800" PTS:"235800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"235800" PCR:"172800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"212163" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"176400" PTS:"239400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"239400" PCR:"176400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"291822" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"180000" PTS:"243000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"243000" PCR:"180000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"372070" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"183600" PTS:"246600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"246600" PCR:"183600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"449755" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"187200" PTS:"250200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"250200" PCR:"187200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"530491" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"190800" PTS:"253800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"253800" PCR:"190800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"615677" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"194400" PTS:"257400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"257400" PCR:"194400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"751966" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"198000" PTS:"261000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"261000" PCR:"198000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"833216" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"889405" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: warning: ringBuffer write error ( error:"pool: unable to dump old write" n:"0" writeSize:"1880" rbElementSize:"0" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"64215" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"7" PMT CC:"7" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"201600" PTS:"264600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"264600" PCR:"201600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"161039" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"205200" PTS:"268200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"268200" PCR:"205200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"245141" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"208800" PTS:"271800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"271800" PCR:"208800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"322457" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"212400" PTS:"275400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"275400" PCR:"212400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"407358" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"216000" PTS:"279000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"279000" PCR:"216000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"486201" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"219600" PTS:"282600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"282600" PCR:"219600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"560410" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"223200" PTS:"286200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"286200" PCR:"223200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"639657" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"226800" PTS:"289800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"289800" PCR:"226800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"721270" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"770703" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"36612" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"8" PMT CC:"8" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"230400" PTS:"293400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"293400" PCR:"230400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"110866" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"234000" PTS:"297000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"297000" PCR:"234000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"193009" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"237600" PTS:"300600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"300600" PCR:"237600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"277947" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"241200" PTS:"304200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"304200" PCR:"241200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"355652" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"244799" PTS:"307800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"307800" PCR:"244799" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"454934" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"248399" PTS:"311400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"311400" PCR:"248399" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"569440" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"251999" PTS:"315000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"315000" PCR:"251999" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"647954" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"255600" PTS:"318600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"318600" PCR:"255600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"727689" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"783995" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: warning: ringBuffer write error ( error:"pool: unable to dump old write" n:"0" writeSize:"1880" rbElementSize:"0" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"57829" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"9" PMT CC:"9" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"259200" PTS:"322200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"322200" PCR:"259200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"149159" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"262800" PTS:"325800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"325800" PCR:"262800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"230189" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"266400" PTS:"329400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"329400" PCR:"266400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"325641" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"270000" PTS:"333000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"333000" PCR:"270000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"402658" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"273600" PTS:"336600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"336600" PCR:"273600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"483376" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"277200" PTS:"340200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"340200" PCR:"277200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"562478" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"280800" PTS:"343800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"343800" PCR:"280800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"644796" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"284400" PTS:"347400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"347400" PCR:"284400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"769818" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"829625" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: warning: ringBuffer write error ( error:"pool: unable to dump old write" n:"0" writeSize:"1880" rbElementSize:"0" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"54092" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"10" PMT CC:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"288000" PTS:"351000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"351000" PCR:"288000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"233239" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"291600" PTS:"354600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"354600" PCR:"291600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"310838" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"295200" PTS:"358200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"358200" PCR:"295200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"394145" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"298800" PTS:"361799" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"361799" PCR:"298800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"477210" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"302400" PTS:"365399" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"365399" PCR:"302400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"554604" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"306000" PTS:"368999" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"368999" PCR:"306000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"636070" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"309600" PTS:"372600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"372600" PCR:"309600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"720041" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"313200" PTS:"376200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"376200" PCR:"313200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"799870" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"855560" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"33564" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"11" PMT CC:"11" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"316800" PTS:"379800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"379800" PCR:"316800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"112953" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"320400" PTS:"383400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"383400" PCR:"320400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"195563" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"324000" PTS:"387000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"387000" PCR:"324000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"73584510" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"327600" PTS:"390600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"390600" PCR:"327600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"73995781" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"6" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"331200" PTS:"394200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"394200" PCR:"331200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"74209367" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1128" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"7" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"334800" PTS:"397800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"397800" PCR:"334800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"74274634" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1316" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"8" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"338400" PTS:"401400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"401400" PCR:"338400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"74324035" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1504" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"9" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"342000" PTS:"405000" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"405000" PCR:"342000" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"74374536" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"1692" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"10" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"74405154" sendDur:"0" curPID:"0" len:"1880" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing clip to pool buffer for sending ( size:"1880" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"62791" sendDur:"0" curPID:"4096" len:"188" )
    utils.go:51: debug: PSI written ( PAT CC:"12" PMT CC:"12" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"345600" PTS:"408600" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"408600" PCR:"345600" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"147199" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"376" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"3" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"349200" PTS:"412200" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"412200" PCR:"349200" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"194861" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"564" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"4" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"352800" PTS:"415800" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"415800" PCR:"352800" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"246405" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"752" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing data ( len(data):"1" )
    utils.go:51: debug: checking packet no. conditions for PSI write ( count:"5" PSI count:"10" )
    utils.go:51: debug: new access unit ( PCR:"356400" PTS:"419400" )
    utils.go:51: debug: writing MTS packet to destination ( size:"188" pusi:"false" PID:"256" PTS:"419400" PCR:"356400" )
    utils.go:36: debug: appending packet to clip
    utils.go:51: debug: checking send conditions ( curDuration:"290284" sendDur:"0" curPID:"256" len:"940" )
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: writing
    senders_test.go:79: writing clip to destination
    utils.go:36: debug: good write
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
    utils.go:36: debug: mtsSender: pool buffer read timeout
panic: test timed out after 10m0s

goroutine 78 [running]:
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:2029 +0x8e
created by time.goFunc
        /usr/local/go/src/time/sleep.go:176 +0x32

goroutine 1 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:
testing.(*T).Run(0xc0000d5040, {0x797629?, 0x4eb5c5?}, 0x7c8ae0)
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1487 +0x37a
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1839 +0x6e
testing.tRunner(0xc0000d5040, 0xc000129cd8)
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1439 +0x102
testing.runTests(0xc0000dac80?, {0xa08d20, 0x5, 0x5}, {0x7f9762bcd108?, 0x40?, 0xa11880?})
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1837 +0x457
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1719 +0x5d9
        _testmain.go:55 +0x1aa

goroutine 20 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x399
testing.tRunner(0xc000165040, 0x7c8ae0)
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1439 +0x102
created by testing.(*T).Run
        /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:1486 +0x35f

goroutine 8 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*Revid).handleErrors(0xc000138700)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x3e
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x1e5

goroutine 9 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc0000a6e00, 0x7a14a7?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*mtsSender).output(0xc0001322c0)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2b4
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2ca

goroutine 10 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc0000a7600, 0x7a1e84?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*rtmpSender).output(0xc0000b45a0)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x37c
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x378

goroutine 12 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc000170c40, 0x7a14a7?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*mtsSender).output(0xc000132840)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2b4
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2ca

goroutine 13 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc000170d00, 0x7a1e84?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*rtmpSender).output(0xc0000b4900)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x37c
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x378

goroutine 14 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc0001719e0, 0x7a14a7?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*mtsSender).output(0xc0001329a0)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2b4
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2ca

goroutine 16 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc000171b60, 0x7a1e84?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*rtmpSender).output(0xc0000b4ae0)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x37c
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x378

goroutine 19 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc0002308e0, 0x7a1e84?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*rtmpSender).output(0xc0000b4c60)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x37c
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x378

goroutine 21 [select]:*Buffer).Next(0xc000230fc0, 0x7a14a7?)
        /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91*mtsSender).output(0xc000132b00)
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2b4
created by
        /home/circleci/go/src/ +0x2ca
FAIL 600.009s‌


Comments (2)

  1. Trek Hopton reporter

    Skip senders tests in CI - Resolves #413

    Using a env var in CircleCI, these tests will be skipped when commits are pushed to bitbucket. NOTE: this is a temporary patch, and these tests should be properly reviewed.

    Approved-by: Trek Hopton

    → <<cset 5761f8131536>>

  2. Log in to comment