netsender POST requests fail when talking to

Issue #11 resolved
Alan Noble created an issue

POSTing data to using http.Client fails with the following message:

Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

Note, this is NOT returned as a Go error, but simply spewed to stdout by Go's default logger.

Whether a bug in Go or a bug in is moot, since it is blocking standalone testing of our App Engine services.

Comments (3)

  1. kortschak

    I have a strong suspicion this is the same as (I'd like to write ausocean/av#11, but that doesn't work); that issue also related to POST. In the related email discussion (starting 2018-12-11) I linked that to See this code.

    If that is the case, the fix (for want of a better word) it to buffer the write into a *bytes.Buffer and use that io.Reader to hand to the POST. Alternatively, find where in it's misunderestimating the length of the body.

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