search.go: cannot search logs from devices that have set netreceiver as host

Issue #178 resolved
Saxon Milton created an issue

For devices that have input pins and consequently require sensors to display these, we have their hosts set to However, some of these devices use the T0 pin to send logging. Netreceiver handles T pins by storing the datastore as binary data. Normally if we wish to view logs in the cloud, we use the vidgrind search UI. But this UI uses the Text entity, not the binary entity, so we cannot view the logs for the aforementioned devices. Eventually we’ll implement an equivalent signal and sensor type in vidgrind, but until then it would be nice to have a temporary solution to view logs that were stored as Binary entities by netreceiver. It is therefore proposed that the textHandler (which is called by the getHandler) which is called for T pins, can look at both Text entities and Binary entities. It would first check for Text with the specified ID, and if cannot find anything, then look at Binary with the specified ID.

Comments (3)

  1. Alan Noble

    FYI, has NetReceiver has a B(inary) type that was once used for audio data before we introduced the S(ound) type.

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