Russian translation, GUI

Issue #12 closed
Павел Бельтюков created an issue

Hi, Andrey! There is an issue with russian translation in Bremiz:


Time units look bad in Logger.

Regards, Paul

Comments (3)

  1. Andrey Skvortsov

    I can increase buttons width to 60. It can be helpful for other translations and bigger buttons are more userfriendly imho. What do you think or it's better to shorten translations or do both?


  2. Павел Бельтюков reporter

    Hi, Andrey!

    That's good! I suppose this is what we need!

    Best regards, Paul Beltyukov.

  3. Andrey Skvortsov

    increase size for time buttons in LogViewer

    The buttons are slightly bigger now. This gives more space for label translations in other languages. closes #12

    → <<cset 6df9937f130b>>

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