PLC log viewer. "Meaasge leak"

Issue #23 closed
Павел Бельтюков created an issue

Hi, Andrey!

Something is wrong in PLC log viewer:

  1. when I upload my application to my PLC, then PLC gives some messages (error checking),

  2. but if there were some earlier log messages (PLC gave it on old app run), then I'm unable to see newer ones.

3.If I clear the log before uploading new app to PLC, then I can read all messages that were posted by PLC on ctartup.

Looks like there is some "message leak" in log viewer.

Best regards, Paul Beltyukov

Comments (12)

  1. Andrey Skvortsov
    1. What do you mean by "some messages (error checking)"?

    2 and 3. Could you please describe exact steps to reproduce the problem.

  2. Павел Бельтюков reporter

    My steps were:

    1. Connect to plc which is posting some messages throuth logger FB.
    2. Upload new program.
    3. When program load done plc checks its correctness and posts some messages to logger.
    4. In parallel IDE reopens connection to plc and gets messages from it.

    If I clean messages before step 1. then I get all messages from plc. If I do step 1. without cleaning the log, IDE does not show some of these messages.

    I cannot reproduce this on logging example. I think the problem is not critical as we have workaround (clean the log before upload).

  3. Andrey Skvortsov

    I cann't reproduce either. How do you clean PLC log before connecting to PLC? I see it's the button to clean PLC log is inactive, if Beremiz is not connected to PLC.

  4. Andrey Skvortsov

    ok. But I can't reproduce. You use own connector, own target. I'm afraid you are the only person who can fix this specific problem.

  5. Andrey Skvortsov

    Good. Now I can see the problem. I'll keep old log after you transfer the newer program without disconnecting. So it's possible to see changes in the log after some modifications are done. Log will be cleared on disconnect. If you reconnect back again only PLC log since last transfer will be shown.

  6. Павел Бельтюков reporter

    In my situation I need to clean the log before loading the program.

    So, such measures don't resolve the issue, and may hit end users, who may wand to keep logs after disconnect.

    I propose to keep this thing as is for now, as the problem is not critical.

    I'll just document the issue in "known problems" section on github.

  7. Andrey Skvortsov

    reset loaded messages counts on new PLC program trasnfer

    This fixes the problem that first message from newer PLC program maybe lost, if it's issued before first PLC log fetching.

    Closes #23

    → <<cset 9298ba0cd70a>>

  8. Andrey Skvortsov

    Log is kept after disconnect, but as soon as you connect again to this (or any other PLC) log is reset. I think this is correct behavior.

    With the fix you don't have to reset log manually before uploading to see the first message. First message after uploading of a new program is never lost and you keep you old PLC log if you not disconnected from PLC.

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